F1 VALENCIA TESTING 22/01/08 pt3

Added: Jan 22, 2008

From: yossidlr

Duration: 10:19


Channel: Autos

Rating: 5.00 (9 ratings)    Views: 6947' favoriteCount='6    Comments: 5

ieatkitkats Says:

Jan 22, 2008 - gracias for these testing vids, my only source to feed my f1 hunger during the winter.....cant wait for the season to start

TimzSI Says:

Jan 22, 2008 - its so strange not hearing the TC in the corners after all this time! I can't wait for races. Turn 1 is gonna be crazy all season!

KuostA Says:

Jan 22, 2008 - Why exactly would TC have a sound? I was not aware that that bubbling noise was TC until the other day. Very interesting to me.

TimzSI Says:

Jan 24, 2008 - That "bubbling" sound was ECU controlled misfires in the engine, sending only the exact amount of power to the rear wheels needed to maintain traction during a turn.

KuostA Says:

Jan 24, 2008 - So pretty much, the drivers could just floor it coming out of a turn and not have to worry about losing traction or anything at all? Wow, previous to this year that was really really really lame.