Telefonica Movistar Kite Pro - PKRA Tarifa 2008 Doubles

Added: Jul 16, 2008

From: ExtremeElementsTV

Duration: 4:22

Double elimination of the PKRA Tarifa 2008.

Channel: Sports

Rating: 4.64 (11 ratings)    Views: 24798' favoriteCount='15    Comments: 4

pacokite Says:

Jul 16, 2008 - cool

magicswell Says:

Jul 16, 2008 - nice one!

naishr3 Says:

Jul 19, 2008 - dude susi mai is soo hot lol we need some more birds liike that in england

PreventPoisonousGas Says:

Aug 12, 2008 - Great vid! Guess what? We can solve 80% of global warming by going Veg. I'm not kidding! Also, our world is in great danger. Please watch NASA warnings and help out if you can. youtube. com/watch?v=zxPadmGKcfQ