Popcorn ora compatibile con Intel
Macity - Roxio ha annunciato ieri il rilascio di Popcorn 2, la nuova versione del suo software per la copia di backup di DVD non protetti (come la stragrande maggioranza dei DVD commerciali). L'aggiornamento ...
MPEG Streamclip 1.7: compatibile anche con Intel
Macity - Dall'autore di DC30 Xact Driver, Squared 5, arriva l'aggiornamento alla versione 1.7 in Italiano (con help nella nostra lingua) di MPEG Streamclip. Si tratta di un software che converte i file MPEG ...
QuickTime Broadcaster alla versione 1.5.1 anche per Intel
Macity - QuickTime Broadcaster è la soluzione gratuita messa a disposizione da Apple per codire in tempo reale audio e video provenienti da periferiche connesse al Mac, come possono essere una telecamera ...
Nagravision, PanAmSat and SkyWay Connect Team Up to Demonstrate MPEG-4 IPTV Solutions for Cable Operators at NCTA's (SYS-CON Media)
Joining forces at NCTA's National Show, the Kudelski Group's Nagravision, PanAmSat and SkyWay Connect are demonstrating a satellite-based secure MPEG-4 IPTV solution for cable operators and emerging network distributors....
Eptascape Applies MPEG-7 in Object Based Video Monitoring and Real-Time, Event-Driven ytics, Re-Inventing (PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance)
Eptascape will launch its complete, plug-and-play MPEG-7 based video surveillance, real-time ysis and event detection hardware/software solution at ISC West next week in Las Vegas....
MTNL to deploy Israeli Internet protocol TV solutions (The Hindu)
JERUSALEM: Israeli firm Optibase has announced winning a major contract from MTNL for the supply of IPTV MGW 5100 platforms (IPTV: Internet protocol television (IPTV) solutions), which would enable the state-owned telecom major, provide triple play servi ces to its subscribers....
Travel extras, 3/26 (Denver Post)
Say cheesy: The CVS One Time Use Digital Camcorder, a pricey novelty that produces a 20-minute marginal visual and auditory recording, is designed for point-and-shoot users with low expectations and plenty of disposable income. It delivers only the essentials - record, playback, delete and power....

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