Tornano da Èspero i corsi di Logic Pro (con sconto)
Macity - Da Èspero [sponsor] tornano i corsi di Logic Pro. Le lezioni, svolte, dall'unico Apple Training Center certito in Italia, in programma a Milano dal 19 al 21 aprile, ripropongono lezioni che in ...
I piani della 'nuova' Kyneste
Computerworld Italia - L'esordio sul mercato di Kyneste è avvenuto nel 2000, in piena new economy, proponendosi come fornitore di servizi ASP (Application Service Provider). Da qualche tempo la società del Gruppo Bancario ...
Red Hat e JBoss: gli isti si interrogano
Computerworld Italia - Secondo diversi esperti l'operazione potrebbe portare a una ridefinizione delle politiche dei partner del 'cappello rosso', in primo luogo IBM che, d'altro canto, si avvantaggerebbe come fornitore di ...
AvMap fornitore di Milan per ampliare il mercato estero
Il Sole 24 Ore - AvMap, la principale azienda italiana di sistemi di navigazione satellitari portatili, punta ad allargare sempre più il proprio mercato, scommettendo decisamente sull'Europa e sugli Stati Uniti ...
La sicurezza degli endpoint secondo 3Com
VNUnet - Ecco 3Com TippingPoint Quarantine Protection, la soluzione che permette di automatizzare la sicurezza degli endpoint garantendo l'integrità della rete e un basso costo di gestione Attraverso ...
Modernisasi Pesantren
Fajar Online - Tercatat dalam sejarah,pesantren merupakan lembaga pendidikan yang tertua di Indonesia. Kiai, santri, pondok, masjid dan kitab-kitab klasik Islam menjadi unsur- utama dalam sebuah pesantren. Pesantren ...
Metcalfe: "ZigBee? Zilioni di applicazioni"
Computerworld Italia - Ne sono passati di bit sulle reti Ethernet da quando Bob Metcalfe ideò questa tecnologia, modindo nei primi anni '70 l'architettura Alohanet basata sull'utilizzo delle onde radio. A 30 anni di ...
Symbol propone una 'via di mezzo' palmare
Computerworld Italia - (p.m.) "Operiamo sul mercato con un'architettura di riferimento che si basa sul concetto di acquisire dati, trasferili e gestirli. Si parte quindi con terminali di forma ergonomica, dotati di ...
EMC e NEC: un patto per lo storage
Computerworld Italia - EMC e NEC lavoreranno insieme per lo sviluppo congiunto di prodotti di storage e sistemi di enterprise content management. Nel dettaglio, le due società prevedono quindi di realizzare apparati di ...
Apple Boot Camp: Windows gira su Mac
PC Self - Apple ha annunciato Boot Camp la beta pubblica del software che permette ai Mac basati su architettura Intel di far girare Windows XP. Già disponibile per il download, Boot Camp consente agli utenti ...
Hardware/software reference platform touts wireless device technology (Embedded Systems Programming Magazine)
Rockville, Md.- InHand Electronics' new hardware/software reference platform called ATP (Advanced Technology Platform) (ATP) has been developed to show the future of low-power wireless device technology....
Software links RFID hardware to business process (Food Production Daily)
oggi - New software aims to integrate radio frequency identition (RFID) systems into a plant's current business processes. RFID has long been touted as the future of logistics for all companies by allowing retailers and suppliers to track goods throughout the supply chain....
USB Flash Drive features hardware-based encryption. (ThomasNet)
Offering up to 4 GB of storage, DataTraveler® Elite Privacy Edition is plug-and-play USB device that is designed to meet enterprise-level security and compliance requirements. USB Flash drive secures data on-the-fly via 128-bit hardware-based AES encryption, and ensures fail-safe security. It features operating temperature range from 32-140°F, storage temperature range from -4 to 185°F, and data ...
Alex Eckelberry and Eric Sites From Sunbelt Software, Inc. and Jim Reinert From Ontrack Data Recovery to Be Featured on (SYS-CON Media)
Guests from Sunbelt Software, Inc. andOntrack Data Recovery will appear on radio talk show Let's Talk Computers.Sunbelt Software, Inc. is a leading provider of Windows security solutionsincluding anti-spyware, anti-spam and other system management tools.Ontrack Data Recovery is the largest, most experienced and technologicallyadvanced provider of data recovery products and services worldwide....
Panda Software Launches GateDefender Integra Beta - the All-in-One Security Appliance for SMBs (SYS-CON Media)
Panda Software presents the beta version of the new Panda GateDefender Integra, an all-in-one appliance that protects SMBs against all types of threats. The device offers excellent performance, a low cost of ownership and is easy to manage. GateDefender Integra completes Panda Software's range of hardware solutions, which includes GateDefender Performa SCM appliances....
Aladdin's Market-Leading HASP Software Licensing Authentication Token Offers Full Support for Universal Applications (SYS-CON Media)
Aladdin Knowledge Systems , the leader in Software DRM, identity management and content security solutions, today announced that its Aladdin HASP hardware-based software protection and licensing solutions now offer support for Universal Applications. The HASP HL and HASP4 software protection keys now support OS X.4 (Tiger) on both Intel/Mac and PowerPC. The new support follows a recent IDC report ...
Apple launches new software (Baku Sun - Azerbaijan)
CUPERTINO, California (AP) - Apple Computer Inc. on Wednesday unveiled new software that allows Intel-based Macs to run Microsoft Corp.'s Windows XP software. The computer maker said its new "Boot Camp" software is available as a download beginning Wednesday....
Apple Upgrades Aperture Imaging Software (TechWeb)
Apple updated its Aperture image-editing software and lowered its price to $299....
Alex Eckelberry and Eric Sites From Sunbelt Software, Inc. and Jim Reinert From Ontrack Data Recovery to Be Featured on (Market Wire via Yahoo! Finance)
Guests from Sunbelt Software, Inc. and Ontrack Data Recovery will appear on radio talk show Let's Talk Computers. Sunbelt Software, Inc. is a leading provider of Windows security solutions including anti-spyware, anti-spam and other system management tools. Ontrack Data Recovery is the largest, most experienced and technologically advanced provider of data recovery products and services ...
WAR & TERROR DIGEST: Flash drives with data stolen, sold (The Charlotte Observer)
Stolen computer devices containing sensitive military data have surfaced. Merchants are selling the hardware and software, and the incident has sparked an urgent American military probe for the source of the security breach....

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