AvMap fornitore di Milan per ampliare il mercato estero
Il Sole 24 Ore - AvMap, la principale azienda italiana di sistemi di navigazione satellitari portatili, punta ad allargare sempre pił il proprio mercato, scommettendo decisamente sull'Europa e sugli Stati Uniti ...
informazione dall'iraq occupato
Uruk Net - "I announce, officially, that dear Iran has joined the nuclear countries of the world." - President Mahmud Ahmadinejad , saying on Tuesday that Iran had successfully enriched uranium for the first ...
WallStreet Italia - (ANSA) - MILANO, 12 APR - Il 2005 vede per il gruppo Armani un record di fatturato e signitivi incrementi di redditivitą, a fronte del programma di espansione realizzato sia a livello 'wholesale ...
Two New Business Sectors Recommended For .travel (Hospitality Net)
The Travel Partnership Corporation (TTPC), the non-profit body responsible for developing domain name eligibility policies for the .travel TLD, recommended the inclusion of two new sectors to the list of travel industry entities eligible to hold such domain names. The announcement took place before an audience of tourism leaders at the WTTC Global Travel Summit in Washington, D.C....
Travel business ignored, claim tourism leaders (Financial Times)
Senior members of the Bush administration emphasised the importance of tourism to the US economy yesterday as leaders of the business criticised the government for not devoting enough money or attention to it....
US travel business ignored, claim tourism leaders (Financial Times)
Tourism business leaders criticized the US government for not devoting enough money or attention to the US travel industry even as top cabinet members emphasised the importance of tourism to the US economy....
Ticket-Less Domestic Travel Transaction Effective May 1 (Bernama)
KUALA LUMPUR, April 14 (Bernama) -- Malaysia Airlines (MAS) will go ticket-less for domestic travel transactions at all its offices in Malaysia effective May 1, 2006, in line with one of the five thrusts of its business turnaround plan....
Business leaders, Cuban officials criticize Bush's policies at event (Bradenton Herald)
Business leaders and Cuban government officials expressed frustration Thursday with Bush administration policies that have tightened restrictions on travel and commerce between America and the Communist island nation....
Luton Airport to host 'low fare' transatlantic business travel (Business Weekly)
Silverjet Ltd, the latest 'low fare' dedicated business class airline serving the region, is looking for £25 million investment through the London Stock Exchange to get its first routes airborne....
Additional Business Sectors Recommended For .travel Internet Doman Name Eligibility (CircleID)
The Travel Partnership Corporation (TTPC), the non-profit body responsible for developing domain name eligibility policies for the .travel TLD, recommended the inclusion of two new sectors to the list of travel industry entities eligible to hold such domain names. more ...
Business travel helping Southwest Florida economy (WINK TV Southwest Florida)
As the tourist season starts to slow down, the traffic and business may not....
BCD Travel Renews and Expands Long-Term Global Services Contract With TRX (SYS-CON Media)
TRX, Inc. , a leading, independent provider of transaction processing and data integration solutions to the global travel industry, today announced the signing of a long-term global services agreement with BCD Travel (formerly WorldTravel BTI), the third-largest travel management company in the world. Through this agreement, BCD Travel extends its long-standing relationship with TRX by renewing ...
BCD-Travel plans fast integration and further expansion (
BCD-Travel, the new worldwide business travel company, aims to integrate its three component companies - Worldtravel (USA), TQ3 (Germany) and The Travel Company (UK) - within the next few months and is already looking at further expansion in key markets, its senior executives told FVW exclusively....

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