Usa, come cambia la Tv nell'era digitale
Apoge Online - Mentre gli spettatori fuggono dagli spot, grazie anche a TiVo e ad altri apparecchi per la registrazione intelligente e selettiva dei programmi, le emittenti sperimentano il download via Internet ...
informazione dall'iraq occupato
Uruk Net - T he White House is taking umbrage over new press reports that George W. Bush misled the American people on a key justition for invading Iraq. But Bush's latest excuse - that he was just an ...
Le licenze di 'seconda mano' aprono un nuovo business
Computerworld Italia - L'idea è semplice e sembra funzionare: vendere licenze software Microsoft di seconda mano con un modello di business che viene visto dai suoi fautori come complementare a quello dei rivenditori ...
Outsourcing dei call center: una nicchia in continua espansione
Computerworld Italia - I call center gestiti in outsourcing tra qualche anno raggiungeranno, come numero, quelli gestiti internamente dalle aziende italiane. CMMC, l'associazione dei customer management multimedia call ...
Estremamente frammentata e prevalentemente nazionale, l'offerta è ...
Computerworld Italia - I call center gestiti in outsourcing tra qualche anno raggiungeranno, come numero, quelli gestiti internamente dalle aziende italiane. CMMC, l'associazione dei customer management multimedia call ...
e affaccia sul mercato un'utopia
La Repubblica - DETTA in modo scarno la notizia è che sul finire del mese di marzo la società di Jimbo Wales, fondatore di Wikipedia, ha ricevuto un finanziamento di quattro milioni di dollari da un fondo di ...
Progetti - Milano: come coniugare ricerca e business
Trend Online - Cornice è stata la terza mostra-convegno Expo del Capitale Umano, dell'Innovazione e dell'Internazionalizzazione (, svoltasi in Fiera Milano e dedicata al mondo della ...
Sembra che riprovino il carry trade sulllo Yen....
Investire Oggi - LONDON, April 3 (Reuters) - The yen hit a three-week low versus the dollar and an 8-week trough against the euro on Monday as expectations grew Japanese investors would buy higher-yielding overseas ...
Ripartiamo da 1 adesso
FinanzaOnline - - 11/11/2005 13:54 - Il Consiglio di Amministrazione di Pirelli & C. SpA, riunitosi oggi, ha esaminato i risultati definitivi della gestione relativa ai primi nove mesi, che si sono ...
Chiusura positiva per Piazza Affari, trainata dai petroliferi e dalle ...
Milano Finanza - Dopo un avvio debole, Piazza Affari ha imboccato la strada del rialzo, in sintonia con le altre borse europee nonostante i timori di ulteriori strette monetarie da parte della Fed dopo il nuovo rialzo ...
Literary lovers start new book business (The Acorn)
Because Agoura residents Penny Suess and Dana Gurnee can peer down from their deck and watch sparkling Sierra Creek tumble past their home, the two avid readers, who have many years of combined experience in the editorial field, were inspired to start a new bookselling business and call i...
Female executive rises to top of the auto business (Macon Telegraph)
It was the growl of engines that first led Anne Stevens to the auto business. When she was still a toddler, she remembers hearing the race cars start up on the dirt track at a Pennsylvania fairgrounds. She broke away from her parents, ran to the fence surrounding the track and watched in awe....
Small Business Week to cite startup success (The Huntsville Times)
Joanne Randolph and the Women's Business Center of North Alabama want to find a startup success story from 2005. As part of this week's annual observance of National Small Business Week, the WBCNA announced plans for a new award, The Small Business Start-up of the Year....
Having the necessary funding will help you organize the structure of your business, but you'll have to develop a (La Opinión)
Many entrepreneurs wishing to start a small business are often held back by the feeling that they will not have enough money to get into the business world....
Premier Stock Newsletter Off to a Scalding Start in 2006 (SYS-CON Media)
The BullTrade ( continues to outperform the competition. Entering its ninthyear of business, the newsletter portfolio is off to a torrid start in2006, up 19.2% for the first quarter alone. Trades have been both long andshort. For example, in January a short position in Apple was established,with the position added to at $82.50. The stock was then covered at a ...
DHSoft Launches Customer Chemistry Business Unit Specializing in Predictive ytics (SYS-CON Media)
DHSoft, a provider of business- critical IT services and solutions, today announced the formation of its new Customer Chemistry business unit. Officially unveiled through the launch of its Web site on April 7, Customer Chemistry provides a full suite of predictive ytics solutions, including predictive modeling and ysis, operational and business intelligence systems integration, and ...
Course teaches immigrants how to start their own business (The Daily Item)
LYNN - Although they come from four different continents, a group of Ford School neighbors have spent five weeks trying to realize the same dream. The neighbors recently united at the school to take a free entrepreneurship course offered through a North Shore Community College grant....
Premier Stock Newsletter Off to a Scalding Start in 2006 (Market Wire via Yahoo! Finance)
The BullTrade newsletter continues to outperform the competition. Entering its ninth year of business, the newsletter portfolio is off to a torrid start in 2006, up 19.2% for the first quarter alone. Trades have been both long and short. For example, in January a short position in Apple was established, with the position added to at $82.50. The stock was then covered at a nice gain at $72. Then ...
Seekonk start your engines; go kart business is about to heat up (Seekonk Star)
The cliché is so well-known a kindergartner could tell you: March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb....
Airport board hears plans for company (Herald Democrat)
Times are changing, the area growing and nowhere is that more evident these days than the Grayson County Airport. In the Airport Board's regular meeting Thursday, it was treated to its first look at the plans for a start-up company moving into the airport....

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