Pitone di Piazzetta

Spergis Group


Dear Pitone,
i really enjoy your site!
It's a mirror for the italian way of life!
But, sorry for my bad italian, i have same question
about your site, are you ready? Ok let's go!

Pitone? Which kind of strange animal is it?
Spergis Group??? intresting name for your crew, but
the meaning? I suppose something like made self man
work but i'm wrong...
I rode that you have few women at your bar; i can
belive it! You and your crew are too cool and all the
girl of your village lie down your feet i belive! Or
So, how about some women's photos?

Ok that's all folks
See ya in and stay well

For the big ear (echelon) FUCK BUSH!


Indietro    Home Page    Spergis Group    pitonedipiazzetta@libero.it