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Study finds how marijuana impairs memory!
A new study shows that how marijuana affects our memory in a negative way. And to come out with such conclusion researchers conducted a few tests on mice and found that marijuana plays a significant role in impairing our memory.
The History Of Marijuana
Narrated by Woody Harrelson Finally, a movie about this plant that, (A) Isn't steeped in hysterical "War On (some) Drugs" government propaganda, and (B) Isn't steeped in stoopid stoner foolishness. Also, Google Video has finally
Georgia group seeks to ban marijuana-flavored candy
A group of good folks in Cobb County Georgia are heading to the county commissioners today, hoping to ban the sale of marijuana-flavored candy county wide. I had never heard of this stuff, but apparently there are some candy companies
Missoula Joins Other Western Cities on Marijuana Prioritization
Missoula voters were not alone in their decision to de-prioritize adult marijuana offenses this month. The Garden City joins the ranks nine other western cities with similar measures -- possibly 10 if San Francisco passes one this week.
Legalize Marijuana
Why? (1) It's not addictive like cigarettes, alcohol, and caffeine are. (2) It's not harmful if done in moderation. (3) It has no lasting "hangover" effects like alcohol does. (4) Paternalism is inherently wrong, and should only be
What About The Victims Of Marijuana - Letter To The Editor
Those who were responsible for the accidents deserve to be punished. However, if we hold your argument true that cannabis needs to remain illegal and highly punishable, then you also need to be crying out for the recriminalization for
Federal Law Does Not Pre-Empt California's Medical Marijuana Policy
Yesterday a California judge issued a tentative ruling that rejects an argument by three counties (San Diego, San Bernardino, and Merced) that the state's medical marijuana law is unenforceable because it conflicts with the federal
Why Marijuana Impairs Memory
Scientists may have just found out why marijuana impairs memory and why the brain's natural versions of the drug might help against epilepsy
cigarettes vs marijuana
many people think smoking marijuana is just as harmful as smoking tobacco, but this is not true. those who hold that marijuana is equivalent to tobacco are misinformed. for example, most marijuana smokers smoke the bud, not the leaf,
San Francisco OKs Pot, Bans Styrofoam
On Tuesday, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted to outlaw the use of styrofoam and similar products, and (according to the report) to "effectively decriminalize the use, sale and cultivation of marijuana by adults."

Marijuana.it - Puoi comprare online di tutto ma non Marijuana
Marijuana.it - Buy online anything but not Marijuana.
Marijuana - Wikipedia
La Marijuana รจ costituita dalle infiorescenze femminili della pianta della canapa. La foglia di canapa, simbolo mediatico della marijuana, non si fuma
Portale dedicato all'informazione: news, articoli, dibattiti; recensione libri, la normativa vigente, download di screensaver, video, musica (mp3).
InfoFacts - Marijuana
Marijuana products are discussed in this issue of the National Institute on Drug Abuse Infofacts.
The Marijuana Anonymous Home Page
Marijuana Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share our experience, strength, and hope with each other that we may solve our common problem and

Portale dedicato all'informazione: news, articoli, dibattiti; recensione libri, la normativa vigente, download di screensaver, video, musica (mp3).
InfoFacts - Marijuana
Marijuana products are discussed in this issue of the National Institute on Drug Abuse Infofacts.
NIDA - Publications - Marijuana: Facts for Teens
From the National Institute on Drug Abuse, comprehensive information about marijuana and its effects.
The Marijuana Anonymous Home Page
Marijuana Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share our experience, strength, and hope with each other that we may solve our common problem and
DEA Briefs & Background, Drugs and Drug Abuse, Drug Descriptions
DEA, Drug Descriptions, Marijuana. Marijuana is the most commonly abused illicit drug in the United States. A dry, shredded green/brown mix of flowers,
Medical marijuana resources from the patients who wrote [California's] Proposition 215. Features news, articles, links.
Marijuana Law Reform - NORML
NORML is a nonprofit lobbying organization working to legalize marijuana, stop arrests of smokers, provide educational research, and legal information on
Marijuana Policy Project - Home
State by state reporting on reform issues and how to actionize representatives in political office.
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