Astaire & Rogers Collection DVD Talk This new release is available in multiple forms, so Savant is beginning this review with three paragraphs explaining the various offerings. Judge approves partial settlement of $1.5M in nightclub stampede Telegraph CHICAGO (AP) - A Cook County judge approved a partial settlement of $1.5 million to be paid to the families of 21 people killed in a 2003 nightclub stampede in Chicago, attorneys for both sides announced Thursday. Locals recall Legion Memorial Park Sheboygan Press Legion Memorial Park in Sheboygan was weathered during its sunset years in the 1970s, yet it retained the charm and atmosphere of a scaled-down Wrigley Field. "Perfume" has sweet smell of success Reuters via Yahoo! News Long regarded as unfilmable, Patrick Suskind's 1985 novel "Perfume" has finally reached the screen in a blockbuster production that succeeds reasonably well in achieving what many said was beyond the scope of cinema: conveying the world of scent and smell. TAGSYS Implements Fully Automated RFID Infrastructure at Cannes' Hospital Laundry to Ensure Accurate Garment Tracability PR Web via Yahoo! News Cambridge, Mass. (PRWEB) October 23, 2006 -- TAGSYS, the global leader in item-level RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) infrastructure, today announced that it has successfully deployed a complete RFID infrastructure at Cannes’ Hospital Laundry (BIH). TAGSYS Implements Fully Automated RFID Infrastructure at Cannes' Hospital Laundry to Ensure Accurate Garment Tracability PR Web New System Automates Tracking Process And Improves Efficiency (PRWeb Oct 23, 2006) Trackback URI:
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