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BOOK: United States v. George W. Bush et al. by Elizabeth de la Vega
Former Federal prosecutor and US Attorney Elizabeth de la Vega has a book just out Sometime last spring, I was on the phone with former federal prosecutor the book of the post-election, investigative season: United States v.
Windows Mobile Treo Quickies
"It looks like this really unimpressive Pocket PC phone (no 3G, mediocre specifications) is being delayed further (will it have AKU3.3 with WPA2? unlikely!), what clearly is not convincing us that this phone is not just a vaporware that
George Mitchell To Be US Ambassador to UN?
this weapon can bring down a helicopter. It was via an indiscreet phone call that Harrison's gunrunning days were ended, a call from a NI-based IRA man, newly arrived in the US. O'Connell, tiring of the US scene, switched his attentions
Crisscrossing Floods
Or to read aloud the phone book, Though we all do rage with the seas below us, And above us. We feel what’s yet so far out to sea. With so many names listed within our hearts, We have nearly forgotten our own, And in owning our names,
How Much Missing?
"This is about equivalent to $US 800 and Peter was really worried" Christian the Logistics Coordinator still hasn't sent me the radio and the Satellite phone. on Monday by email if I had the sat phone instead of sending the car.
haha indians
The American, upon leaving Vermont decided to travel to up to India to see if Indians had the same phone. He arrived in India, and again, in the first church he but in the US the price was $10000 per call. Why is it so cheap here?"
Ah, the old telephone-in-the-shoe trick
New Scientist tells us about some work at University of Washington that points out privacy problems with sneakers. address book data was taken from the server on which it was stored, not by hacking a Bluetooth connection to the phone
The Mobile Web Phone: A gedankenexperiment
Firstly Let us start with some observations. a) For most people voice is still the primary service they access on a phone. However, increasing numbers of people also want to access information on the web ie browse/RSS etc.
Son fucking mother
“Oh, when we were little girls, daddy took us to the beach one day. I picked up the big phone book and screamed at him, “Leave her alone you sack of shit”. As soon as we closed the door behind us we fell into each others arms.
It turned into this massively time consuming project …
Then we realized what we’ll do it call up the phone companies and say, hey, give us a list of phone numbers for all your payphones… Yeah, phone companies don’t want to give that information. What we had to do in the end was hire teams
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