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Quebec Considering Cell Phone Ban. The Reason? YouTube.
In Quebec (which, as of this writing, is still part of Canada) a veteran teacher has been staying at home since an unfortunate incident was caught on a cell phone camera and uploaded to YouTube. What is now being debated, however,
Houston health policy director suggests taking camera phone photos
The draft measure would ban smoking from bars in restaurants and in freestanding bars. The measure would require bar owners to In the article, Marks puts at least some of the onus on camera phone users. She suggests they could file
New York's School Safety Officer defends city's total ban on
The article says, "The ban is one of the most restrictive of its kind in place "The ban is necessary because the use of cell phones 'jeopardizes school safety a male student used his camera phone to photograph an English exam.
Reese Witherspoon bans camera-phones from set to hush rumours
Reese Witherspoon has reportedly demanded a ban on mobile phones on the set of her new film Rendition to stop camera-phone pictures being taken of her and co-star Jake Gyllenhaal. Fametastic.co.uk reports.
Reiter’s Camera Phone Report: Privacy - Camera phones personal billboard or wall of graffiti, but rather a permanent headquarters to obtain further information about its camera phone ban sold in the state after 2008 must emit a sound or
Houston health policy director suggests taking camera phone photos
According to Alain Reiter's Camera Phone Report, "Houston's mayoral health policy director, Elena Marks, suggests that consumers who would see people breaking a proposed anti-smoking measure could take camera phone photos for evidence".
Petition to Ban Tasers at UC
me this link to an online petition urging the UC system to ban the arming of of trying to take pictures off your picture phone,’” said Gerrell Martin. taking a picture of the police officers with a camera phone,’” Cruz said.
Reese Witherspoon bans camera-phones from set to hush rumours
Reese Witherspoon has reportedly demanded a ban on mobile phones on the set of her new film Rendition to stop camera-phone pictures being taken of her and co-star Jake Gyllenhaal. After separating and filing from divorce from husband
South Africa cellular operator explores age verification system
One school banned phones after a student was found showing graphic photos on his camera phone. The principal of one school -- that doesn't ban cellular phones -- has sent a letter to parents discussing problems and recommending
Techdirt: Analyst Over Reacts To Camera Phones In The Workplace
picturephoning.com: Enterprise Camera Phone Ban Won’t Work, Analysts Say Camera phones pose security problems for enterprises reports Mobile Pipeline, … Banning the devices outright from enterprises is not a policy that can be …

Techdirt: Samsung Still Bans Its Own Hot New Phones From The Office
Regardless of what Tim says, camera-phone bans *are* silly and pointless. I'm working at DaimlerChrysler, where the SillyPointless ban is in full force,
Saudi ministers urge removal of camera phone ban | The Register
Saudi ministers urge removal of camera phone ban. Ban will 'increase prices significantly'. By Robin Lettice → More by this author
Are camera phones too revealing? / Locker room snooping, school
Club One fitness centers and 24 Hour Fitness, like many other gyms, now ban camera phones. "If someone were caught using a camera phone (to take photos in
Smart Mobs: Pupils face camera phone ban
Pupils face camera phone ban Shibuya Epiphany. March 2, 2004 The first council in West Lothian, Scotland agrees to ban mobile camera phones from all of
picturephoning.com: Teachers Union in Ireland wants camera phone
Teachers Union in Ireland wants camera phone ban for schools. The Union for secondary school teachers in Ireland have demanded a ban on picture message
picturephoning.com: CNBC Viewers Favor Camera Phone Ban in Locker
CNBC Viewers Favor Camera Phone Ban in Locker Rooms. A new CNBC poll on camera phonesThe poll asks: "Should cell/camera phones be banned from offices and
Iraq Camera Phone Ban - Iraqi Prisoner Photos Parody
A parody ad poking fun at the US military's ban of camera phones in Iraq.
Quebec Considering Cell Phone Ban. The Reason? YouTube. at The
Quebec Considering Cell Phone Ban. The Reason? YouTube. Tagged: since an unfortunate incident was caught on a cell phone camera and uploaded to YouTube.
YouTube - UCLA Police Taser Student in Powell
Secret government wiretaps on your phone, computer and/ or Internet activity. Re: Re: Why do the police sh1t on people while on camera?
newswireless.net .:. Features .:. Opinion: Can business ban the
Opinion: Can business ban the mobile camera phone if the Army can't? net.wars: Follow the database · net.wars: Taxation with representation camera+phone+ban: camera+phone+ban
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