Banana Phone - Ring, Ring, Ring I thought I'd share a crazy eBaumsworld flash movie called Banana Phone. BTW: Here's the original I think: Anyone know where I can get the audio to rip it into a ringtone? Enjoy It's a . . . Bananaphone! Okay, so it's a cold (45 degrees!) and rainy day here--the perfect day to visit the above link and sing about your banana phone! I don't make this stuff up. I just report it. Java Posse #089 - Newscast for October 17th 2006 Banana phone. =dsBTo5LExr0; /; /osaka/osakaphone.html; /Bananaphone A great flash based introduction to Eclipse There is really no better way to understand the workings of the Bananaphone! Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring. Banana phone Banana phone. Ding dong ding dong ding dong ding. Donana phone. It grows in bunches and a home-video-style interpretation at: Infectious Banana-Phone Flash Video Hilariously cute Flash Video of the Badger with a Banana-Phone. Check it out, it’s worth the thirty seconds it will take out of your life. read more | digg story Bananaphone with badger flash Banana phone azrasta posted a new topic:. just in case you're wondering what's that banana phone thing. it'll mess with your brain! ; RING RING RING RING RING RING BANANA PHONE RING RING RING BANANA PHONE BANANA PHONE!!!!!!! RING RING RING RING RING RING RING BANANA PHONE I GOT THIS FEELING listen to it here Badger Banana phone!!! We used a flash animation of this as an 'educational resource' it's addictive. I wont be hearing the end of it this side of crimboso i'll sh Cell phone nextel - Flash Movie Animation Send Cell phone nextel - Flash Movie Animation Send. Server status. Albino. Flash Movie Animation Send. Server status. Albino Blacksheep " Flash Files " Banana Phone (Badgerphone) Banana Phone (Badgerphone) by Lemonizer.
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