ScienceDirect - Nutrition : PUFA Newsletter: polyunsaturated fatty PUFA Newsletter: polyunsaturated fatty acids innutrition and disease prevention. MeDev SA, Nyon, Switzerland. Michael J. Glade PhDa IngentaConnect PUFA Newsletter: polyunsaturated fatty acids PUFA Newsletter: polyunsaturated fatty acids innutrition and disease prevention - MeDev SA, Nyon, Switzerland. Author: Glade M.J. Omega-3 Fats Feed the Human Brain, Not the Hips This research is described in the December 2004 PUFA Newsletter. Sponsored by DSM Nutritional Products, the quarterly PUFA Newsletter is available Anti-Inflammatory, Infant Development and Mental Health Benefits Recent research in the March 2005 PUFA Newsletter helps explain why the long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (n-3 LC-PUFA) eicosapentaenoic acid Newsletter on healthy fats, PUFA Newsletter, relaunched Published since 1996, the PUFA Newsletter covers topics on cardiovascular The PUFA Newsletter brings scientific information to a large audience -- from Wiedereinführung des PUFA Newsletter, eines Nachrichtenblatts über Der seit 1996 erscheinende PUFA Newsletter befasst sich mit Herzkreislauf-Gesundheit, Mutter- und Kleinkind-Ernährung, Ernährungsvorschlägen sowie mit Newsletter brings good news about the health benefits of omega-3 The December 2005 PUFA Newsletter reports that omega-3 fatty acids lower the risk of sudden death as well as the cognitive decline associated with the aging Newsletter on healthy fats re-launched. (Industry News).(Roche (Industry News).(Roche Vitamins offers PUFA Newsletter)(Brief Article) from Nutraceuticals World in Health & Fitness provided by LookSmart Find Articles. PUFA Newsletter Outlines More Reasons to Consume Healthy Fats The June 2003 issue of the PUFA Newsletter, a quarterly electronic These and other scientific findings are discussed in the PUFA Newsletter this month. Omega-3's - fatty acids, can be produced in bioengineered plants All of these research findings are good news in light of a prediction in the June 2004 PUFA Newsletter that by the year 2020, the top health burdens
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