Maria Anna (Marisa) Mazzei


Born in Camporgiano January 27, 1931 , there has continuously occupied and lives there with her husband Mario Pellegrinetti , in their own house in Via del Forno 2 .
 She was the daughter of Dino and Terni Olga , who died respectively in 1959 and 1960 .
 In the spring of 1950 he left for Scotland, where he stayed for over a year in the house of her cousin Anna Tognini .
 On February 23, 1952 she married Mario Pellegrinetti in Montenero ( Livorno )
 Fabrizio was born on September 25, 1953 , the first child
 Cynthia was born on December 6,1958 , the second daughter
 Olga was born on June 19,1961 , the third daughter .
In December 1979 he returned to live with his family , in the family home , after completely renovated.
 On 23 February 2002 she celebrated with her husband , children and their families, Golden Wedding , that is the 50th wedding anniversary.
 From 2010 to 2013 had any health problems not too small which, fortunately, was able to overcome .
 However, 23 February 2013 celebrated with her husband, the children and grandchildren of the Diamond wedding , that is the 60th wedding anniversary.

And in 2018 he was able to celebrate the 65th wedding anniversary at the age of 87.

Currently, despite some minor ailments and eye problems, she is still very active in the care of the house and lives quite peacefully


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