#Software Rule


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Codici e trucchi:

I trucchi per Quake 2 dovrebbero funzionare correttamente anche in questo pacchetto, ma non le mappe. Qui ci sono i nomi

Comando: MAP [MAP-commando]

xswamp - The Swamps
xsewer1 - Sewers
xsewer2 - Waste Sieve
xcompud1 - Inner Compound
xcompud2 - Outer Compound
xreactor - Core Reactor
xware - The Warehouse
xintell - Intelligence Center
industry - Industrial Facility
outbase - Outer Base
w_treat - Water Treatment Plant
badlands - Badlands
refinery - Refinery
xhangar1 - Lower Hangar
xhangar2 - The Hangar
xship - Strogg Freighter
xmoon1 - Cargo Bay
xmoon2 - Command Center
xdm1 - Munitions Dump
xdm2 - Deadly Reckoning
xdm3 - Reservoir Stroggs
xdm4 - The Sludge Pit
xdm5 - Stomping Grounds
xdm6 - Hidden Agenda
xdm7 - XEdge

Quelli indicati a destra sono i comandi di mappa, mentre gli altri sono i nomi delle mappe.

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