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    Infinity Resource Editor 2.1.3 - VersionTracker
    Infinity Resource Editor allows you to edit the resources of Infinity Engine based games like Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
    Baldur's Gate II Spells Reference - Links
    Near Infinity An Infinity Engine Browser & Editor Near Infinity is a combined browser and editor for games based on BioWare's Infinity Engine.
    ItemSpace Data Structures for the Infinity Database Engine B-Tree
    For example, the Infinity Database Engine has a 1666 character limit. A special ‘Item Editor’ can be used to browse an ItemSpace having composite
    Toiling with Tools
    The Riot engine level editor doesn't have the "Go" functionality of the Raider engine's editor; instead designers can hit a hot-key which runs the game and
    Abstract of INFO-MAC archived encoded Mac binary file 'game/meta
    Subject: Infinity MetaFile Editor 1.0 MetaFile Editor is a utility that allows of an Infinity MetaFile, the file format for the Infinity 3D engine.
    Infinity Engine Modlist - Savegame Editors
    Infinity Engine Savegame Editor | Added: Sep 24, 2004 | Notify of Dead Link | This tool supports Baldur's Gate I & II (addons included), Planescape Torment
    IRE - Finished Software
    This will allow you to converter Infinity Engine Editor's .dat files for effects into the data files used by IRE That way you can always get and update
    Free Games
    Nexuiz (Multi-player FPS game based on the Quake v1 - Darkplaces engine) and RPG game engine, based upon the original "Infinity Engine" developed by

    infinity and engine and editor

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