MAKE: Blog: The Two-Can Stirling engine (preview)
Ok Makers, here's a excerpt from MAKE 07 - The Two-Can Stirling Engine by William Gurstelle. The Stirling engine has long captivated inventors and dreamers.
Hubert Stierhof' seesaw Stirling engine
A few weeks ago, Hubert posted a message on the Stirling Engine society - USA side up by the sun (or a 40-100W bulb lamp) would make the engine run
Can Stirling Engine
To make the Can Stirling engine you require these materials: wood board 10mm thick; balsa wood 10mm thick; wire 1.5mm diameter; fishing thread; a balloon;
stirling engine
A balloon is of course a very worthwhile plaything in its own right and sacrificing one to make a stirling engine may not necessarily be the wisest choice.
Stirling engine from aluminum cans - hack a day - www.hackaday.com _
The Stirling engine seems like an odd-ball design when you’ve only when pushed lightly, the engine should make at least two turns without a heat source,
Rotary Stirling Rotary Overview
The new design is substantially simpler than a conventional Stirling engine. Until now, ultra simple heat engine designs were generally devices that rocked
Stirling Engine Open Sourcing Projects
Rota Cola Sola Engine - Open source project based on the Stirling Engine design, and (3) the group has the ability to make a success of the endeavor.
Amazon.com: Build a Two Cylinder Stirling Engine: Books: David J
Amazon.com: Build a Two Cylinder Stirling Engine: Books: David J. Gingery by David J. Gingery.