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Why won’t Linux support mp3, DVD, and selected wifi cards out of
Short answer — copyright/IP laws prevent shipping all the software and technologies/plug-ins with each Linux distro. Some distributions come with all these goodies but they are not free. So how do I get mp3s and other stuff working?
why linux don’t support mp3 and selected wifi cards out of the box?
red hat enterprise linux; fedora core; old red hat linux; yellow dog linux; aurora linux; centos; scientific linux; taolinux; whitebox linux; lineox; blag. see how to play mp3 under fedora core linux. download and more information
Zune Can Run Linux Wired News
A deconstruction of the new Microsoft gadget reveals that it uses a processor capable of running Linux, prompting speculation about a Zune hack eventually enabling unlimited MP3 sharing. In Listening Post
GP2X Linux games console: A review
It runs on Linux, which is always a plus from my point of view. You've got a huge digital music collection in MP3, Ogg Vorbis or WMA format - how do you get it onto the GP2X? Simple, assuming two things.
Awesome Linux-based handheld games/movie/MP3 console
Ubuntu spinoff distro adds codecs, plugins, more
Linux Mint, which features a 2.6.17 kernel and the GNOME 2.16.1 desktop. Ubuntu, itself based on Debian Linux code, has only been in production use since October Support for MP3, Windows media and other codecs, and encrypted DVDs is
PS3 FAQ: answers to your PlayStation 3 questions
But it wouldn't play any of our MP4 / H.264 video or MP3 audio, Yes, according to Sony you can install any PowerPC-capable Linux build. Yellow Dog Linux, however, is the most prominently supported distro announced to date.
the linux action show! - episode 22 - mp3
this week, on the linux action show! a new version of mono is out, and it rocks. in we give you the highlights of apparmor and why its good for the linux soul, follow that up with download the linux action show! episode 22 - mp3
Just Say No to Windows Vista
DVD, DVD player, MP3 player, etc, that signal eventually has to make its way to an output: And finally, get ready for linux. OS X (the operating system of That's the same OS that linux derives from. I've tried to use Linux.
Awesome Linux-based handheld games/movie/MP3 console
This plucky little gadget (GP2X) is an excellent lesson in how to create an on-line community of users and developers, with virtually zero marketing budget

X Multimedia System
X Multimedia System, an open-source MP3 player for Linux. Contains mostly the same features as Winamp and supports skins.
PLUTO Project | Free Software Project since 1992
MP3: Linux MP3 CD Burning mini-HOWTO. Traduttore: Matteo Castellini. Revisore: Beatrice Torracca. Descrizione:. Una ricetta completa per la creazione di CD
mpg123, Fast MP3 Player for Linux and UNIX systems
A fast free MP3 audio player for Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, Hpux and near all other UNIX systems. Also decodes mp1 and mp2 files.
Linux-Magazin - MP3
Was mit Linux und MP3 alles angestellt werden kann, soll in diesem Artikel Daraus folgt leider für Linux, daß wer einen MP3-Encoder frei zur Verfügung
The Linux MP3 & Ogg Vorbis HOWTO Recently the creators of the MP3 format have been charging royalties for the Creating Audio CD's from Ogg and MP3's
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Mp3-Como para Linux
Este texto describe el hardware, software y procedimientos necesarios para comprimir y escuchar archivos MP3 bajo Linux .
Softonic.com: Linux > Multimedia y Diseño > MP3
Linux > Multimedia y Diseño > MP3. Generalmente los programas para linux en entorno grafico como gnome o kde no son muy estables y [más]
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