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Thursday Thirteen
Site Meter - No, I don't check my stats like a maniac, but now and again it's amusing to see how some people It's become a digital diary of life. I'm skipping 6 - 2, since I have to get to work and I can't think of anything anyway!
it's cold and dark in my heart
on the 18th it will have been one year since my mother died. this has been stirring in my head for weeks now, and i figured that maybe writing them down would do something to resolve my feelings. (in case you're wondering, it doesn't.
book review: locker room diaries
locker room diaries: the naked truth about women, body image, locker room diaries is a witty, yet deeply poignant look inside the halls and walls of a however. there is the fifty-six year-old exercise maniac whose ‘piano legs’
rantings of a raving maniac you had a bad day you're taking one
rantings of a raving maniac you had a bad day you're taking one down you sing a sad song just to turn it around. i'm having a bad day. three frigging bad days, to be precise. some days the odds are so heavily stacked up against
things that rhyme with karma
well it's sunday, and since tomorrow i will be running around like a maniac trying to make dressing and cook turkey and all that good stuff, i thought i'd post a short update today. jack was involved in a minor car accident this
the hardest string to cut
so i was talking with my friend jenny last night about all of these feelings of angst i've been having over this whole thing.(and if you know me you know how much i hate angst!!!) and even though she's been saying for weeks that this
the amazing race, brought to you by the letter o
so i was dashing around like a maniac so that i would not be late (i was meeting her at 6:15 to buy groceries). however, due to traffic and the weather and poor planning on my part, i was running behind her schedule. she said that i
the universe teaches me once again
it's been such a long week. i fucking hate this. why the fuck did i bother in the first place? these lessons are wearing thin, you know? to illuminate: i had this amazing week, the week before last. i got to know someone i was beginning
can you say, feel like shit?
loooong night, even longer day! oi oi oi! anyhow, i couldn't sleep last night. too much on my brainjust couldn't get her out of my mind. i asked for a second chance, but i have this feeling in the pit of my stomache that she's not
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DE, an online diary community. Free web-based online diaries
Free online diary/journal service, offering public or private diaries. Johnny the Homicidal Maniac Fan Alliance. [ Previous ][ Next ]
The Snackbox Diaries: Serious Maniac Service
The Snackbox Diaries · « Spuds! | Main | A prayer for the dying-with-a-hangover ». Serious Maniac Service. mobile.jpg A bizarre combination of mistaken
Maniac Diaries
I had been spying on this sexy hiker for almost an hour, before I caught her. She looked so light-minded walking alone in the backwoods.
A Sea Of Blue :: All Stories
3 comments. Who would you rather have? by Big Blue Maniac 6 comments. Is KY now a football state? by Chuckz Army · Recent Diary List
Shabbir's Diary: ABC poker wins again
To his left was Maniac Recruiter Guy. He'd dropped $1500 playing against the Maniac Recruiter Guy was tilted all evening from dropping $1500 to the

Maniac Diaries
I had been spying on this sexy hiker for almost an hour, before I caught her. She looked so light-minded walking alone in the backwoods.
A Sea Of Blue :: All Stories
3 comments. Who would you rather have? by Big Blue Maniac 6 comments. Is KY now a football state? by Chuckz Army · Recent Diary List
A Sea Of Blue :: Diaries
By Big Blue Maniac Section: Diaries Posted on Tue Aug 29, 2006 at 12:33:58 PM EST. Seems no major college in the country has as many "mystery" or late in
Shabbir's Diary: ABC poker wins again
To his left was Maniac Recruiter Guy. He'd dropped $1500 playing against the Maniac Recruiter Guy was tilted all evening from dropping $1500 to the
Shabbir's Diary: Sharking games in Vegas
You're the table captain, and it's fun to be the maniac. I play the maniac to great enjoyment until some better players came by and ruin the environment
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Blog Maniac. All Things Blogging for Bloggers and Blogophiles are more personal than traditional journalism, and definitely more public than diaries.
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Tom Fidler. Email: Fidler@Diaries.com. 01.01.06 21:38. Your site could replace books, Maniac Diaries. Email: Maniac@Diaries.com. 30.12.05 22:23
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