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Our company was established in 1987. It’s a family business consisting of the father ( Panagiotis ) and his two sons (Costas and me, Ulysses or Odysseas as it is in Greek).  
We spent a lot of time creating audio devices with / for our friends trying to ease the lust for precise and musical audio reproduction equipment without resorting to the multi-thousand equipments that were laid down in hi-end shows. So we decided to turn our passion to business. My theoretical background (Electronic Engineering Lecturer in Athens Technical College ) and my brother's practical experience (Officer in Telecommunications in the Greek Army) plus my father's multiple talents (electrician, carpenter, plumber, builder and foremost spirit uplifter) allowed us to start a company that would make high quality audio equipment available to everybody. 
Our main concern right from the start was the price / performance ratio and we try to stick to it. Because let’s face it. We know that super – duper, balls out, ultra special topologies implemented with the best capacitors, resistors, teflon, silver, plutonium, Kryptonite etc. etc. will make (probably) your amp (or preamp, or DAC or ......) sound better. Now add to that R&D (yeah right !), labour, packaging, shipping, marketing, support, fairy dust, snake oil, , , plus profit and you have a cost that financially justifies the term High End. But how many of us are willing to pay that amount of money ? And at the end of the day, is it really worth spending 80% of your budget for a 20% (give or take) difference in sound and amplifiers that sometimes are difficult to live with ? (not everybody enjoys a "good-bias-setting-of-the-triodes-before-sitting-on-exact-on-axis-spot-of-the-huge-horns" ritual after a long day at work). That's why we are determined to make affordable equipment that really sounds really good, is easy to live with and it is (at least we think so) nice to look at.  
Aeolos con KT88 Electro Harmonix:versione da me richiesta. 
1200 euro con KT88!! 
Valvole KT88 electro Harmonix: 
Comparazione Tra Electro Harmonix KT88,svetlana,Tesla,Valve Art:by Jason Serinus  
Electro-Harmonix KT-88 
electro harmonix 
When I reported the findings of this tube comparison to Bob Bergner of RB Audio , he repeated an oft-heard assertion that a manufacturer's KT-88s always sound better than their 6550 equivalents. Knowing how jazzed I was about the E-H 6550, Bob immediately contacted various distributors, and learned that Electro-Harmonix had just begun producing KT-88s.As of mid-June, 2002, many tube distributors that carry Electro-Harmonix have their KT-88 on backorder; I obtained my quad directly from Bob at RB Audio. This tube looks identical to the E-H 6550 except for a change in lettering.Simply put, in my amp, I find the E-H KT-88 superior to the E-H 6550. It offers more color, more depth, more refined highs, and a tighter bottom end. The sound is richer, fuller, and more exciting.On a new recording of Mozart Piano Concerto No. 24 in C minor played by Gilmore Award-winning pianist Piotr Anderszewski directing Sinfonia Varsovia (Virgin Veritas 7243 5 45 5042 3), the strings, hardly the most gorgeous-sounding on the planet, come across as less strident than with the E-H 6550; the timpani have greater impact; the soundstage is more three-dimensional; color is more pronounced; and, most importantly, the piano itself is more clearly focused, with greater ring on top. This may not be a five star recording, but it is far more satisfying when heard with the KT-88s.On my favorite Terry Evans "Blues No More" standby, everything sounds better with these tubes: the cymbal brush strokes are more focused and precise, Terry's voice is rounder and richer in color and midrange, the bass is far more focused and impactful, and the soundstage is more three-dimensional and engaging.I auditioned the Evans track in numerous rooms at CES 2002, hearing it through amps and preamps far more expensive than my own. I cannot forget how good it sounded in two rooms equipped with the dcs Purcell, different models of Verity speakers, Nordost Valhalla cabling, and amps more powerful and costly than my own. Now that my Bruce Moore amp is equipped with Electro-Harmonix KT-88 and Siemens NOS CCa tubes, and I too have Valhalla cabling, I am hearing sound that approaches the level of richness that I heard on those significantly more expensive systems at CES.The Electro-Harmonic KT-88 is the clear winner of this comparison. It now powers my amp. Regardless of whether it proves optimal for your equipment, it deserves an audition. 
Tube Integrated Amp (AB Class)  
2x45  Watt in 8 Ohm,  
4 input lines,  
1 Tape Out  
4 x 12AT7 in preamp stage  
4 x KT 88 for drivers 
Da usare con: 
Audes STUDIOAudes Studio 
1500 euro entrambi con 300B, 2x8w