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Usher Audio review. 
La progettazione della 737 
usher audio best buy hifi cp737 
Foto 737 e 738assieme      Foto di dettaglio della 737 
Foto 730 737 738 assieme  
Altre foto con la 737 e 738 
Foto del 738 (non piu' disponibile) 
Esempio di sistema 
Foto della serie 7 in ambiente 
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MA l'entusiasmo arriva all'ascolto:non siamo abituati a questa qualita' a questi prezzi! 
Da sinistra:730,737,738:quest'ultima sostituita dalla 738II e dalla futura 6381
Alcuni miei commenti:NON siamo abituati a queste qualita' fin'oggi vendute solo in diffusori da oltre 3000 euro se a scaffale e 5000 euro se a pavimento. 
Il 708 e' l'entry (1200 euro la coppia)che offre il suono di tutta la familia. I bassi inziano a scendere progressivamente anche se lentamente da 60hz:quindi consigliato un buon sub di qualita' tagliato a 40-45 hz Hz. Ovviamente deve essere collocato come un diffusore a pavimento usando appositi stand. Ma la qualita' sui medi e alti e' ai massimi livelli pari a diffusori da 3000 euro. 
Il 730 offre una maggiore compattezza di mobile,anche se ovviamente sviluppato in altezza .Il maggior volume disponibile garantisce una quasi linearita' fino a 40 hz ,da qui la discesa e' piu' rapida.Quindi un subwoofer di supporto verra' tagliato a 35hz.La qualita' sui medi si arricchisce di una risposta sui bassi incredibile per un due vie. Si accoppiano con amplificatori da 80w di gran qualita' come il Monrio. 
Il 737 e' il piu' efficente della familia ,funzionando con amplificatori anche da 10w in ambiente 7x5 mt:l'ideale accoppiamento con le valvole 300B. La linearita' e' maggiore del 730 e comunque fino a 40 hz ma con una discesa piu' lenta al di sotto. Il taglio dell'eventuale subwoofer sara' di 30 Hz. .Entusiasma per la dinamica e spazialita' che offre.Senza una minima esaltazione sulla parte bassa:difetto imperante nei diffusori odierni a discapito di una facile collocazione in ambiente (ma fanno vendere,salvo poi deludere in casa) 
Il 738 e' quello a gamma piu' estesa ma si ritorna alla efficenza dei 730 e 719. E' molto lineare fino a 40 hz scendendo poi molto lentamente . L'eventuale subwoofer verra' tagliato a 30 hz ma con un risultato di maggior linearita' complessiva. Incrementa la qualita' sulle basse frequenze in maniera notevole ma non pensate a bassi gonfi ed esuberanti ma a qualcosa di fortemente controllato.Per poterle sfruttare al meglio per quello che sanno offrire ocorrono amplificatori da 300w. 
Sembrano differenze minime ma all'ascolto molto ben evidenti:la 738 in particolare ha un comportamento sui mediobassi unico sul mercato..sentirete con la musica classica cosa vuole significare e con amplificatori anche economici da 700 euro. 
Commenti dal web: 
Abbiamo trascorso circa 1 ora a swappare tra le Relco grandi a 3 
vie(da 10000 euro) e le piccole Usher del Berry (ascoltando tra l'altro i 5 telarc nuovi 
che mi ero appena comprato a 5 euro cadauno allo stand accanto :-) 
Le piccole Usher(X719) del Berry mi sono piaciute, un onesto diffusore ben 
costruito e rifinito e senza macroscopici errori progettuali nel xover o 
nell'accordo, venduto a prezzo equo grazie alla realizzazione taiwanese. 
Suono coerente e di buon livello qualitativo, con gli ovvii limiti di un 
piccolo due vie da scaffale. 
Non e' dispiaciuto nemmeno a Roberto G., che e' un grosso complimento per le 
Usher conoscendo quanto e' (giustamente) critico Roberto. 
Insomma nulla da invidiare a molte realizzazioni di marche note anche 
italiane, dal costo superiore. 
Con lo stesso cd della Sutton, le piccole Usher commutate subito dopo 
suonavano in modo piu' convincente ! 
Spettacolari le elettroniche Vincent. 
Le piccole Usher del Berry mi sono piaciute, un onesto diffusore. 
Concordo su timbrica e prezzo. 
Spettacolari le elettroniche Vincent e secondo me pure bensuonanti, 
sicuramente i componenti piu' convincenti di tutta la mostra. 
Quando sono entrato io le Usher erano in un angolino, ho chiesto se si 
potevano ascoltare e dopo un po' la curiosita' me la sono tolta. 
Devo dire onestamente che mi sono proprio piaciute (considerando il 
prezzo si intende).  Delle casse solide, piacevoli esteticamente e 
anche ben suonanti. 
Il modello esposto erano le X-719 da stand dalla finitura in colore 
bianco e legno massello (un po' tedesca ma piacevole nell'insieme). 
IL suono e' corposo e soddisfacente soprattutto nella gamma 
medio-bassa. Abbastanza nitide e precise con bassi controllati. 
Interessante il confronto con le Relco (che montano tutte tweeter a 
La nitidezza e la brillantezza dei nastri sulle frequenze medio alte 
e' notevole. Un po' carenti nella gamma bassa dove divenivano 
imprecise e non ben accordate (sara' il fatto che i nastri hanno una 
risposta troppo rapida e i coni non gli stanno dietro???). 
L'unica Relco che nel complesso mi piaceva piu' delle USHER era quella 
grande a tre vie dove la gamma bassa era un po' piu' decente. Non mi 
ha soddisfatto per niente quella media con il pannello in legno da 
3000 euro (non mi ricordo il nome), dove il woofer il piu' delle volte 
finiva in fondo corsa anche a potenze non elevate. Il WF della usher 
(quello similSCAN) alle stesse potenze suonava invece molto meglio. 
La piccolina relco grigia da 2000 euro sentita con un valvolare era 
abbastanza piacevole. Questa per riprodurre la gamma bassa montava due 
altoparlantini che si accordavano abbastanza bene con il nastro ma 
veramente poco potenti (buona per ambienti piccoli e se abbastanza 
vicina alla parete). 
Nota particolare: anche le USHER le ho sentite con il valvolare e mi 
sono sembrate molto piu' sensibili di quanto dichiarato. Paragonate 
alle piccoline Relco che hanno una sensibilita' di 89, le USHER 
sembravano tirare fuori di piu'. ???? mah! 
Le elettroniche Vincent TAC mi hanno molto soddisfatto, sebbene ho sentito 
solamente un valvolare da 50W+50W e il sistema con pre e due mono di 
gamma alta. 
Credo che questa marca avra' un brillante futuro ed e' sicuramente da 
tenere d'occhio. 
Un po' spinto dalla curiosità e un po' perchè sto cercando di cambiare 
impianto sono stato in quel di Belluno (vicino,sono di Torinio). 
Inizio dicendo subito una cosa: le Usher potranno piacere o non piacere, ma 
sono diffusori validissimi, quindi chi pensava ad un bluff o a qualche 
"cineseria" delle tante si metta pure il cuore in pace. Ho avuto modo di 
ascoltare i tre modelli a torre collegate a vari tipi di ampli e cd pl. In 
questi ultimi mesi ho sentito moltissimi diffusori nella fascia 1000/2000, e 
parlo di marchi sicuri; B&W, Dynaudio,Linn, ProAc M.Audio ecc. Le Usher sono 
migliori? Non lo so. Di sicuro siamo su livelli di assoluta eccellenza. Le 
730, sono sincero, non mi hanno fatto impazzire, ma le 737 sono una favola; 
un suono chiarissimo unito ad un basso portentoso (chiedete a Lou Reed ;-p). 
A livello estetico ho visto di meglio, ma qui entrano in gioco i gusti 
personali e l'importanza che si dà all'aspetto. I mobili hanno comunque un 
aspetto solidissimo. Io dico solo questo: se potete, andate a sentirle. 
Troverete un ambiente cordiale e una persona competente. 
USHER Piccole-Medie-Grandi:Grande immagine (avevo con me un cd di Jim Hall che conosco bene...dovreste sentire il coro di New York come si dispone nello spazio),bellissima riproduzione di certi strumenti (Sax grandioso... si tocca l'aria che vibra).Quel che cambiava e che non mi ha convinto al 100% è stata la gamma bassa.E' questa che differenzia le tre, a crescere in qualità e corposità. Ma anche nelle più grandi ilcontrollo non era accuratissimo (intendo proprio perfetto, quello dei diffusori che ho a casa fà pena.....). Con qualche strumento pareva che stentassero ad attaccare e a staccare, come se ci fosse un ritardo d'attacco e un decay non netto come nella realtà e un pò risuonante.Ma sono da sentire comunque ! 
Per ultimo non potevano mancare le Usher . Le ho comprate, le ho 
preferite alle B&W cdm 7nt, alle monitor audio reference gold 20, (il mio 
amore di diffusore), alle chario, alle proac studio 125, alle Kef q7 e tante 
altre, tanto per fare dei nomi. 
Sicuramente sono xxxxxxxxx, perchè c'è chi le ha paragonate a "legna da 
ardere", e questo non mi va giù. 
Però xxxxxxxxxxx come me sono moltissimi miei amici patiti di alta fedeltà 
che sono rimasti a bocca aperta. 
Yup... I blindly bought a pair of Usher 8871's at the end of last year,  
at the London Hi-fi show 2001 (after no more than a half-hour dem).  
There was (and still is) no UK dealer, so I had to import them direct  
from Usher in Taiwan. They're stunning - both in terms of build and  
sonically. I couldn't possibly suggest they're the best speakers on  
earth (I don't have that depth of experience) - but for my money they  
probably come close. For the comparatively small cost (comparative to  
Sonus Faber) I honestly think you'd be hard pressed to find anything  
else which betters them. Any other questions Baron?  
Un altro post: 
The Acctuton drivers in the Usher speakers are indeed the real deal.  
Usher did not copy them from Accuton. I suppose that Accuton makes the  
cones in house. I would expect that the performance of the Usher  
speakers is on par with other manufacturers using similar drivers. I  
didn't hear these particular speakers, but did hear their other speakers  
with drivers only slightly inferior to authentic Scanspeak units. The  
Scanspeak clone speakers sounded pretty darn good.  
The cabinet work of those folks at Usher is amazing! It is quite  
apparant that those folks in China are good with their hands and work  
extremely cheap.  
Un altro: 
Funny that you mention the Sonus Faber speakers. A "little bird" told me  
that the S.F. and Usher cabinets are both made at the Ghang Zu factory.  
This would account for their similar quality. Hm, but Usher is in  
Tiapei. This might not be correct. Forgetaboutit. The Usher cabinets are  
very solid.  
More importantly. I forgot something. My hunch is that Usher must have  
saved $ somewhere in their assembly process to sell these speakers for  
their current low price. I bet the crossover components are pretty  
chintzy. You'd be surprised at how cheap (bad) the crossover components  
are in very expensive speakers.  
After the new glory of the speakers wears off, take a peek inside. I bet  
there are some easy tweaks. Capacitors is where I'd start.  
Folks on this page will rant about 8' of speaker wire, but don't realize  
there is often about 30' of cheap 18 ga inductor in their speakers. The  
capacitors are a much easier proposition. A B&W brochure of the Nautilus  
speakers from a few years ago shows Bennic capacitors. These are made in  
China, and are of a very cheap. Their sonic quality is commensurate with  
their price - about $3-4 for a common crossover capacitor value.  
un altro: 
I saw and heared these speakers at the HI-FI SHOW in London last Sep , I  
kept an excellent impression about them , they have perfect finish ,  
very good sound , and value for money , still they are yet new and no  
much reviews about them , but I am sure these speakers will let the  
press speak about them very soon and in a positive way . 
About 520:favorably compared to old ProAc Response 0.5. has sweet high and mid, decent but tight low.  
un altro: 
En HarmonicDiscord puse este tema, pero desgraciadamente los estadounidenses son personas extrañas y el tema derivó a un debate nacionalista sobre comprar o no productos Chinos. 
Hace algún timepo, navegando por internet encontre el sitio de Usher Audio. me pareció interesante y compré junto con un amigo 4 pares de parlantes de diferentes modelos: X-708, X-719, S-520. 
Vamos por el S-520 primero, está enchapado en madera real, tiene terminales para bi-cableado enchapados en oro (los mismos que la difunta serie Avinci de Acoustic-Reality) y un crossover diseñado por Joe Dáppolito. Son absolutamente increibles por el precio . Tienen un bajo pequeño, pero un sonido extremadamente plano, supongo que el diseño del crossover influye ahí. No son muy sensibles asique reuieren buena amplificación (Los nOrh Le Amp están bien, pero mi Pathos de 75 RMS no es suficiente) 
En cuanto a la Serie X (El nombre completo es Compass X-70 , es dificil de creer la calidad alcanzada. En cuanto a la fabricación, Nunca he visto algo igual, (Mejor que el B&W nautilus, Jamo Concert 8 y KEF reference, incluso que los famosos REVEL Performa) está hecho de MDF de 1" lacado negro (Piano Black) con laterales de 1" de madera solida de cereso. los termonales de bi-cableado son tipo WBT. los drivers: el tweeter es una copia de ScanSpeak y suena extraordinario. El woofer es de papel (como me gustan a mi) con un phase plug de aluminio. El sonido es el mejor que he escuchado en Chile (bueno, las alternativas no son muchas, pero B&W, Paradigm reference, KEF, JAMO, Energy Veritas y otros no lo han superado). En realidad son muy atractivos visualmente y suenan extraordinariamente bien.  
E continua con: 
Como les dije, junto con un amigo trajimos 4 pares de Usher 1 para cada uno de nosotros y 1 para que cada uno venda y recupere parte del dinero invertido. Hoy vendí mi par extra es el modelo S-520, y ha que no se inmagian. Lo vendí a un ingeniero de sonido que los usa profesionalmente para edición de comerciales de televisión. Encontró tan natural es sonido que se enamoró de ellos. Debes ser buenos. 
Un altro post: 
I have these speakers and they are great.I bought them at the AV2002 in London where they were by far the best sounding speakers of the whole exhibition. 
Un altro: 
I was in Spain this week and I heard this speaker, it was amazing!!! I was listening to these speakers with Denon 1055R Amp and Denon CD recorder (I don't know the exact model). The refinement and soundstage was amazing. It was certainly more refined and had a bigger soundstage than the Audio Physic Tempo which is auditioned some time ago. In my humble opinion, the level of detail was breathtaking, the main downside I noticed was the bass was not the deepest. To put it into perspective, I felt it absolutely slaughtered the Cremona Auditor both in refinement and soundstage depth. The only speaker that was that clean that I can recall auditioning is the B&W N805 signature and that was running some pretty impressive electronics namely Shangling CDT-100 and some french amp (not YBA or Cairn) . Now I am not saying it was better or as good, but it seemed pretty good.I see on the asylum that these products (i.e. Usher) have not had very much positive press. But give yourself a break, if you are in the market for smart looking standmounts that do not cost the earth and sound pretty good then go listen cos this is some speaker. NB: I am not a dealer.  
Un altro: 
This pair now sits where my Von Schweikert VR5HSE's resided over the last two years. The AC20's use the accuton ceramic tweeter and midrange and a pair of 10" Eton woofers, Appolito crossover design and construct.Out of the box,,, stunning cabinet woodwork and craftmanship. Fine high grade furniture finish. My wife even had something nice too say,,,, whoa! Sound,,, just out of the box,, crystal clear clarity and transparency, without dryness (my fear of the ceramic driver choice),tonal integration, well balanced and full bodied. Bass extension,, reaches the souls of my feet from 7-8ft away, is accurate, with live performace weight Soundstage height and weight is expansive. This is a awesome loudspeaker inside and out that will get scarily better with break-in.  
Un altro: 
I have heared the Usher Audio at the Heathrow HI-FI SHOW last Sep in London , I was very happy from sound quality and built , I would mention the model AC 10 . but there are sheaper models like the CP-730 , very good looking and real hi - end sound ,check their web ...I cannot remember more than that , there were a stand mount modeel under demostration as well , maybe the K-728 or the X-708 , but sound was very very good indeed , one of the best I have heared during this show , including Amphion Xeneon , I have heared JMR the Offrande in Paris , excellent , but bass is not enough for my ears , I am biased for Usher for the excellent wood finish they do , and sound quality that is very good ...  
Un altro: 
I asked the original question because further research on the web confirmed the superiority of the Usher 9950 when compared to the equivalent Scanspeak driver and nothing about any pending lawsuits. Now I do not dispute that it may be clone, some of the reviewers certainly alluded to that. But it is superior driver nonetheless and the fact some of the manufacturers who previously used the scanspeak indicated that they may move to the Usher because it is a better and accurate driver somewhat confirms this fact. I for one am minded to buy the RW 729 cos in my limited knowledge of speakers I know of nothing within it's price range that comes within a shouting distance of it soundstage and detail resolution. In fact, I will go on record as saying that the only speaker that impressed me as much as this was the B&W N805 signature and that costs much more. the specs give values of 38 Hz - 28 KHz for a standmount with low distortion levels, now if that is true it means I can enjoy even more of my hirez discs. therefore you pays the money, you makes the choice.  
enjoy the music 
By HES Show report : (HiEnd Show by s.Francisco 2003) 
The Usher speaker line also stood out for its value, even the little monitors offered incredible performance considering their pricepoint. 
Un altro: 
The speakers are designed by Joe D'Appolitto and do sound great for the list price, and if they go down to decent street prices...  
Un altro: 
Another vote for Odyssey and Usher. Regardless, of price, IMHO these guys compete mano a' mano with the best of them.  
Un altro: 
Granted, they've ripped off all of their cabinet/ stand designs from Sonus Faber and their drivers from Scanspeak, but they do represent an excellent value in terms of construction and sonics - out of China no less!  
Un altro: 
I was surprised at how good the Usher speakers sounded. They had one of the better sounding rooms at the show. 
Un altro: 
The other room that really impressed me for their value was USHER. This Taiwanese company makes beautiful speakers along the lines B&W or Rocket. The drivers are all in house, but outcompete Scanspeak I'm told by people in the know. The sound was GREAT from their whole product line............and bet yet, they had VALUE!!!!! For people that like great budget gear/look along the likes of Axiom, Roct, Ascend, check out USHERAUDIO.COM 
Un altro: 
Have to agree that the Usher stuff seemed like outlandishly good value. Their pairs of bookshelf monitors in the $700-1000/pr range blew away any other smaller speaker I heard at the show, and I would say that their flagship Dancer speakers @ $8500 (though shamelessly indebted to Sonus Faber in design) compare to 2 - 4x more expensive speakers for their sound and furniture-quality appearance. 
I've visited a number of sites which talked about the Usher 9950 tweeter. Word is that they are at least as good, if not better, than the ScanSpeak. 
The Usher Tweet/Revolator Woofer combo was IMO quite nice too. Not close to the Orions but one of the better speakers of the day and arguably the best in its size range. I prefered it to the tall skinny MTM that went just before it. 
...also the axon 6s3 and the usher audio technology 7" might be a winner... 
They have also some samples of Usher drivers (look at or which are not in the list. The 8945W is a Scan-Speak 8545 look-alike (17 cm, carbon paper, oversized magnet), but the motor construction is different and probably better (just look at their distortion measurements!).  
I once tried the Excels but I couldn´t cope with those nasty cone breakups. IMHO especially in US the Usher delivers! 
They are supposed to be outstanding, some ears like the sound of the 9950 more than the scan-speak 9500 
Ciao Berry, 
come ti ho gi` detto ho ricevuto le Usher s-520 in perfette 
condizioni. Nessun segno sulla scatola e funzionano perfettamente. 
E' ancora presto per dare un giudizio definitivo (che postero' 
sul ng quando avro' l'impianto completo) anche perche' hanno 
sicuramente bisogno di ancora un po' di rodaggio, sono collegate 
ad una sorgente di scarsa qualita` (un cd portatile che fa un 
rumore del diavolo rendendo impossibile qualsiasi ascolto 
a basso volume - infatti avrai forse visto sul ng che sto cercando 
un lettore NAD usato o a basso prezzo in UK) e sono in una libreria. 
Fatte queste premesse pero' devo dire che sono davvero impressionato. 
E' vero, il basso e' leggerino, in alcuni passaggi si sente che non 
riescono a scendere piu' di tanto. Pero' anche se collegate ad una 
sorgente cosl scarsina il dettaglio e' davvero molto forte.  
Rispetto ad altri diffusori bookshelf che avevo sentito acquista molta 
precisione in piu' (per fare test ascolto sempre una registrazione 
molto buona della Winter & Winter delle suite per violoncello solo  
di Bach, e mi accorgo di quale e' il grado di dettaglio e il soundstage). 
Il violoncello inizia ad essere quasi ... come dire ... ruvido come 
dovrebbe essere e come non e' quasi mai. I violini tendono un po' alla 
leggerezza ma col tempo stanno anche loro acquistando dettaglio e  
definizione. Ho sentito ancora un po' di difficolta` con il pianoforte, 
ma quello e' uno strumento che davvero non riesco ancora a sentire 
bene. E' davvero complesso. 
Bene anche la resa con generi diversi (ottima su jazz, ancora da approfondire 
sul rock, ma oggi la provo con Nevermind), mentre un po' di difficolta` 
con masse orchestrali grosse (il concerto per Violino di Dvorak 
suonato da Rostropovich era un po' troppo impasticciato, ma non mi 
ricordo la bonta` dell'incisione, e devo anche dire che anche l'ampli 
era a freddo, per cui un test da fare ancora) ma penso che sia dovuto 
al litraggio. Anche con le Opera ogni tanto sento che e' tutt'altro che facile 
gestire un orchestra piena. 
Comunque davvero notevoli per quel prezzo, anche paragondando ad altri 
ascolti che mi e' capitato di fare (Mourdant Short, Castle, 
Aliante, Celestion, B&W, Acoustic Energy). E' ancora presto per un giudizio 
finale, ma per ora sono piu' che soddisfatto. Sono curioso di provare 
ad usare questo sistema (nad+usher) per i canali surround del mio sistema. 
Magari una volta provo. 
Torno al lavoro. Grazie ancora per tutti i consigli! 
About 8871: 
A buddy of mine had them. Same buddy that loaned me a Gamut D100 for a week and eventually sold me his Spectron Musician II. Those are huge speakers. Might not look like it from the picture but they take up tons of space. Absolutely beautiful! Great sounding with tons of well controlled bass. Fantastics resolution and very well balanced top to bottom. Scores better than many overpriced "hi-end" speakers out there (won't name names).                I would take these over B&W 800's anyday (I have heard them)  
Usher Audio of Taiwan is the perfect example of what high-end audio could and should be. While the US prices are somewhat higher than local prices here in Taiwan, this equipment is a bargain! From pure class A power amplifiers to world class loudspeakers, the Usher products are first rate. I don't think any magazine reviewer could say what he or she really feels about these products for fear of offending the manufacturers of more expensive products.  
High-end audio enthusiast tend to have vivid imaginations and beliefs about what can effect or improve sound quality. While the 50 foot of romex in the wall is not important "the last 6 foot of the amplifier power cable makes all the difference", is just as one example of this. Single components costing well into five figures, placing small strange looking cone devices on top of the speakers, and various other so called, "tweaks" all seem to sell but generally do little or nothing to sound quality. Using ultra-expensive cables with "low capacitance" connected to speakers with internal passive cross-overs containing real capacitance etc with variations that are astronomical compared to any speaker wire reactance even given 1% devices. If you are going to believe ultra expensive speaker cables make a real difference, at least only connect them to all active speaker systems! Then at least the over priced cable connects the amplifier directly to the speaker voice coil. Any speaker cable costing much more than $1/ ft connected to any speaker with a passive cross-over is just plain silly. It's over killing a minor factor while leaving a major factor seriously flawed. It's like being in a boat with two leaks. One leak is a gaping gash that will sink your boat in minutes and the other is a tiny pin hole that will never sink the boat. By buying the ultra expensive cables you are spending major resources trying to fix the pin hole while leaving the gaping gash that's sinking your boat un touched.  
So, what's the point? You don't have to spend a lot on silly tweaks or ultra expensive hardware or especially cables. The key to good sound quality is to have quality design based on sound scientific design principals as opposed to the vivid imagination of the high-end audio world. This does not have to be expensive as Usher has now proven to me time and time again each time I listen to their products. At the Usher store here in Taichung, they also use expensive cables etc but my guess is that they do this primarily to appease the audiophile community. I suspect they are aware their equipment would sound equally well no matter what cables they use.  
Usher is only beginning to penetrate the US market and I suspect that many people may refuse to believe true high-end audio could come from a place like Taiwan. I had no idea until I accidentally stumbled upon it. We were walking around this electronics shopping area and I noticed the Sonus Faber look in many of the speakers at this store we passed but assumed they probably were not anything special. They noticed me looking however and convinced me to come listen and I was sold! When they started telling me the prices I couldn't believe it! Even now, knowing the US price I'm still amazed. I can get good prices usually wholesale or lower on a lot of equipment in the US but even with those discounts I can't match the quality for the money of the Usher products here in Taiwan. I've seen speakers in retail stores in the US that cost twice as much as a similar size Usher and sound like a toy by comparison to the Usher. It will be hard for many audiophiles to accept what their eyes and ears tell them about Usher. Coming from a world where good speakers must cost five figures many of these audiophiles brains will not accept the fact that a thee figure speaker can sound just as good or better. Their eyes will not accept the fact that the inexpensive Usher also has better build quality and looks much better than the significantly more expensive alternative.  
As for my personal taste I still prefer the sound of open baffle speakers but as far as conventional design systems go, the Usher is the deal of the century. I currently own six Usher power amplifiers and the new P-307 pre-amplifier and I may end up buying some of their speakers despite the fact I could just build my own. There is no way I can match the cabinet build quality or the finish of the Usher. Not even close! As my house is already full of speakers I have no particular application for any of the Usher models but I'm really tempted by them just the same. One of my current projects under way utilizes all Usher drivers so I will soon have my own version but the new Compass 6 series really has me tempted to take a set home. I believe these are being marketed in the states so before you spend any money buying speakers this is something you should check into. Yes, the Usher is a conventional box speaker and it uses passive cross-overs, all things I look upon as flaws and yet I can't deny the result. There are advantages to these things like not needing external active cross-over EQ devices and multiple amplifiers. It's definitely an easier simpler approach and while I still believe the very best sound comes from active open baffle systems, Usher has convinced me that conventional designs still work. 
I've gotten rid of my ATI amplifiers in favor of Usher. I still have my Proceed AVP processor for Home Theater which is now sitting in a rack with two Usher R-6.0 6-ch amplifiers. Eight of the 12 channels drive the Beethoven's, two drive the rear surround and the remaining two will some day drive side surrounds. I see no need for a center channel using the Beethoven mains. If I ever did install a center channel I would probably opt for a bi-amplified design and use the Usher R-0.8 to drive it. 
I just can't say enough good things about Usher's products. I can only tell you audiophiles to put your imaginations aside and listen to your ears and believe your eyes and realize you can get better for less from this company right here in Taiwan. It's not that this is, "great sound for the money", this would be great sound at any price! Yes you can spend more, you can spend a lot more but you will be very hard pressed to find something else better no matter how much more you spend. 
Priced 34 000 z? per pair, the Ushers CP — 8871 are good value for money. They offer a full-scale sound which is very clear, rich in details, has a lot of swing, but at the same time is free from any unnecessary tension or aggression. Neutrality, spatiality and a very satisfactory range of timbre make these loudspeakers a real tool for re-exploring your collection of recordings. Broad and even direction characteristics, as well as clear, dry bass account for the fact, that despite the large size, setting these loudspeakers up is not a problem at all. Low value of the impedance module suggests using efficient transistor amplifiers, but not necessarily very powerful (the efficiency declared by the manufacturer seems to reflect the real value). 
To sum up, CP-8871s are the best loudspeakers I have ever tested in the AV magazine. This fact, together with high quality and reasonable price means, that I am not afraid to recommend  them to anybody. 
Summary:This is actually a review on the Usher CP-6381 speaker. I will re-post it if Audioreview later provides a speaker selection for the 6381s. Picked these gorgeous puppies up last week and am absolutely ecstatic with their sound quality and craftmanship. Out of the box they are a unique and visceral experience at a terrific price point. They are simply drop-dead gorgeous and have pinpoint accuracy. Their mids and highs are superb and they stretch to a forceful and dynamic 29Hz in bass. These speakers replaced my Soliloquy 5.3's, which I dearly loved, and they simply blow the Sols out of the water. And they should since the Sols are a smaller and less expensive speaker ($1000 less). I demo'd the B&W 803N's and they were marvelous, but they were connected to $25,000+ of hi-end audio gear. The Ushers will amaze you with just above average cables and gear. I say run, don't walk, to your nearest Usher dealer and purchase one of the best audio buys in North America. I am an information security specialist with the FAA and am associated in no way with Usher products, other than as a happy owner. 
Strengths:Sweet highs and mids, awsome cabinetry, dynamic bass, truly great price. 
Weaknesses:None yet, except their 129 lbs per speaker weight. Not a problem for me. 
Similar Products Used:Owned Soliloquy 5.3s and Tannoy speakers. Have demo'd most of the B&W line, JM Labs, Revel, et al. 
Ciao Berry..Ti dico solo una cosa...SEI UN GRANDE....!!!...con ansia aspettavo di ascoltare le USHER... (Attendevo il pre e finale Vincent).Devo dire ke sono fantastiche......EMANANO MUSICA....!!!..e te sai cosa voglio dire....sono incredibili...veramente sono rimasto senza parole...Grazie ancora... 
Per chiarirmi anch'io aggiungo che il paragone tra usher 730 e sf cremona (da pavimento) non è che sia azzardato. In effetti la cremona ha nella sensibilità maggiore e nella migliore gamma bassa (profondità e controllo) un notevole vantaggio ma, per quanto riguarda la trasparenza, penso che usher se la possa combattere con diffusori che vanno anche oltre il costo della cremona. In questo senso penso che tu non solo non esageri ma che anzi tu sia troppo cauto (anche se ti capisco, già così ti prendono per pazzo). Personalmente ritengo che usher raggiunga anche nei modelli inferiori una trasparenza realmente assimilabile agli elettrostatici e planari che non ho ascoltato neanche in diffusori dinamici da decine di migliaia di euro. Meglio ancora: quello che mi ha folgorato delle usher è la capacità analitica che non va a scapito della dolcezza. Nel corso dei miei ascolti ho infatti sempre trovato diffusori dolci ma un po' "scuri" (mi viene in mente proprio sonus faber o kef o mission) o dettagliati ma affaticanti (b&w) o troppo "asciutti" (monitor audio). L'unico diffusore che ho assimilato alla 730 è stato il proac, ma non il pari costo studio 125 (poco controllo in gamma bassa e gamma alta un po' fastidiosa) bensì il responce d15 che costa però quasi il doppio e comunque anche questo ottimo diffusore rende qualcosa in dettaglio. Alcuni paragoni sono stati addirittura deprimenti, come ad esempio la sf concerto che confrontata con la x 708 (costano più o meno lo stesso) è sembrata un buon diffusore da cinema e nulla più. D'accordo con te: la 708 va paragonata alla cremona auditor e anche in quel caso... Chiaramente c'è da tenere conto delle elettroniche diverse ma... le elettroniche con cui ho ascoltato usher erano sempre le meno blasonate (aeron e vincent contro elettrocompaniet, burmster, accuphase).  
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