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Vincent 233 
Il best buy in assoluto per chi ama il suono a transistor. 
Per un suono piu' valvolare 
1290 euro 
Con ingressi bilanciati: da collegare al cds1.1 
SV 233 Amplificatore Classe A Frequenza: 20 Hz- 20 KHz +/- 0.5 dB Potenza nominale classe A:2x30Watt RMS Potenza nominale:2x280Watt RMS / 4Ohm Potenza nominale:2x200Watt RMS / 8Ohm Distorsione: < 0.1% max (1Khz, 1W) Sensibilità d'ingresso:260 mV Rapporto S/N: > 90dB Impedenza d'ingresso: > 47 KOhm Tensione di alim.: 230V / 50Hz Dimensioni: 430 x 130 x 400 Peso: 17 Kg Finiture: Nero / Argento  
This integrated amplifier has been designed around a fully-balanced audio circuitry. The pre-amplification stage is of particular high quality by employing OPA 2134 and OPA 2604 devices from Burr-Brown. 16 transistors per channel are taking care of its impressive performance whilst power is delivered by the massive 500 W-per-channel toroidal transformer and a filter capacity of 40.000 mF. A remote control set is supplied as standard.  
Torna agli amplificatori in Classe A 
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