Microvell: Microsoft's Calculated Buy into Linux
Microvell is the name of the new alliance between Microsoft and Novell not to create fear uncertainty and doubt in the Linux software market over whether you will get sued By Redmond if you run any other version of Linux other than MS
OpenOffice.org 2.1 released But where can I get packages for
3rd Consequences: Two more people in my direct environment now saying and sighing "Oh, if only software installation was *THAT* easy on Windows as it is on Linux." (Yes, I know that they do see the world of Linux software installation
my linux is not booting and says "bug:soft lockup on cpu 01"
Forum: Linux - Software Posted By: amolgupta Post Time: 12-13-2006 at 04:42 AM
LinuxDevices: Developing Products with Open Source Software
Nokia launched its first Linux and open source based product, the Nokia 770 Internet Tablet, and the www.maemo.org community web site in 2005
Firefox Search Plug-in for openSUSE Software
Found the following search plug-in for Firefox, which searches for applications on software.opensuse.com server. This is simply cool plug-in. Thanks to Jop from SUSE Linux Community forum for providing this plug-in.
Today I decided to hold
My friends would get one and want to play games, and all I could think about was getting one to write software and become a millionaire. So without a computer, I would get any book or magazine article on programming, and start writing
Wow, you were really
I was personally always (for a while now that is) kind of a wannabe software programming "learner". I keep talking how I should learn some programming language, but my other projects and interests just keep clouding that and I never
Kuriharu, which
I am on Ubuntu and 90% of software I need is available from a few clicks on If even that wont get you the software you need, there may very well be Many software vendors (many games, for example), offer install via autopackage.
Oh yeah, and I will spend more time USING the software than actually installing it! Sorry, I just spend 3-4 hours last night trying to compile Naturally, it didn't work. I guess you have to be "l337" to install software these days
In Praise of Edubuntu
All of a sudden, a 400 MHz machine without an Internet connection and with no hope of installing legitimately-purchased educational software had plenty of colorful free software and an interface clear enough for my three year old nephew
Linux in Italia
28 ottobre 2006 è la data fissata per la sesta edizione del Linux Day, l'appuntamento dedicato a GNU/Linux e al software libero in oltre 100 città italiane,
Linux Day 2006 - Programma
Piemonte, TO, Pinerolo, SLiP - Software Libero Pinerolo, Istituto Tecnico Commerciale M.Buniva, http://pinerolo.linux.it/slip/Linux_Day_2006
Virgilio Newsgroup | Tecnologia | it.comp.os.linux.software |
it.comp.os.linux.software | 1689 messaggi disponibili Applicazioni per Linux. Scrivi un messaggio · legenda | aiuto. pagina 1 di 25. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Linux Software Map
The Linux Software Map is a database of many of the packages that have been written for, ported to, or, these days, simply compiled for linux and made
Sistema operativo GNU - Free Software Foundation (FSF)
La FSF annuncia la disponibilità di gNewSense 1.0, una distribuzione GNU/Linux contenente solo software libero creata da Brian Brazil e Paul O'Malley e
Deltacommerce S.r.l., Linux, software gestionale, docenze, siti
Deltacommerce Srl, realizza software gestionali personalizzati, siti internet, iscrizione ai motori di ricerca, web hosting su sever Linux.
Mailgate.IT Web Server: it.comp.os.linux.software
Mailgate.IT Web Server: il newsgroup it.comp.os.linux.software (Applicazioni per Linux)
Welcome to LinuxSoftware.org
Welcome to LinuxSoftware.org, a directory of linux games, utilities, and more.
E-LINUX.it: Aziende e Business con Linux, Software aziendale per
E-LINUX.it: Aziende e Business con Linux, Software aziendale per Linux, Aziende Linux in italia.
Linux software
software didattico libero per la scuola elementare e media.
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