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Survey of Securities Industry Employees Confirms Growing Use of Instant Messaging, Despite Compliance / Security PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
A new survey conducted by TowerGroup confirms that instant messaging is an increasingly common communication tool within securities firms.
Are You Gambling With Messaging Regulations? BIOS
Research from Symantec shows that nearly two-fifths (39 per cent) of businesses do not archive and retain communications that take place using new messaging tools such as instant messaging and voice over IP. Furthermore, only 14 per cent archive instant messagin
Businesses fail to archive instant messages Computing.co.uk
Tom Young, Computing , Tuesday 12 December 2006 at 00:00:00 Many IT directors unaware of regulations, says survey Some 39 per cent of businesses do not archive and retain communications that take place using new messaging tools such as instant messaging and voice over IP, according to a > Read the full article
Novell Ships OpenSuse Upgrade TechWeb
OpenSuse 10.2 includes the OpenOffice.org office productivity suite, the Firefox 2.0 Web browser, Beagle desktop search, GAIM instant messaging client, multimedia tools, and graphical software.
Sharky Extreme : News From Inside The Industry Sharky Extreme
Video chat and instant messaging have never been easier, Creative says: The company's new Live Cam Optia simply plugs into a PC's USB port with no special drivers or software installation required.
IBM Lotus Sametime, AIM von AOL, Google Talk und Yahoo!Messenger formen zusammen größte Business Instant Messaging UMTS-Report
IBM gibt bekannt, dass Nutzer von Lotus Sametime ab sofort auch mit Nutzern der Instant Messaging-Plattformen AIM und Google Talk sowie in einigen Wochen mit dem Yahoo!Messenger kommunizieren können.
Experts: Hackers to step up 'cyberwar' in 2007 CNN.com
LONDON, England (Reuters) -- Computer hackers will open a new front in the multi-billion pound "cyberwar" in 2007, targeting mobile phones, instant messaging and community Web sites such as MySpace, security experts predict.
Messaging insecurity fuels data leakage fears Computer Weekly
Special Report: The proliferation of messaging technology means more opportunity for malware to take root and sensitive data to be lifted.
Hackers to step up 'cyberwar' Pretoria News
Computer hackers will open a new front in the multi-billion rand "cyberwar"next year, targeting cellphones, instant messaging and community websites such as MySpace, security experts predict.
Survey: Instant Messaging on the Rise NewsFactor via Yahoo! News
A new poll from AOL and the Associated Press shows that much of America is due for a bout of Carpal-Tunnel Syndrome. According to the poll, nearly three-quarters of all teens who instant message everyone from their parents to their buddies say they send more IMs than e-mails.

AOL Instant Messenger
AIM, AOL Instant Messenger, is a free instant messaging service. Full-featured communications software integration with AIM Pages & Phoneline.
Find the Best Instant Messaging Software and Services - About Email
Potentially faster than email and packed with fun tools that let you play games, share pictures or watch each other on a webcam, instant messaging clients
Instant Messaging in the Yahoo! Directory
Find sites dedicated to instant messaging programs, including downloads, Directory > Computers and Internet > Software > Internet > Instant Messaging
DBabble - Chat Server And Instant Messaging Software
DBabble chat server provides Windows and Unix secure instant messaging, chat and discussion software.
Sun Java System Instant Messaging
Enables easy integration with third-party software providers for additional For example, Arc Mentor integrates with Java System Instant Messaging to
Web Conferencing Software, Video Conferencing Equipment, Online
Provider of e/pop, an enterprise-ready suite of real time communications and instant messaging software for small to large sized businesses.
LAN Messenger - Instant Messaging software
Instant messaging software solutions for business and home text communications across private networks.
Instant messaging | Software Windows | Download.HTML.it
Elenco dei software recensiti nella categoria Instant messaging.
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Macworld: Review: Instant-messaging software
With e-mail systems overloaded by spam, your instant-messaging application may be as important—and as personal—as your e-mail software. instant+messaging+software: free instant messaging software , , free instant messaging software , , instant+messaging+software
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