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Cable Cos. Get Free Week of NFL Network Washington Post
The NFL is offering one free week of its network programming to two cable TV operators who don't carry the channel, and one will show the Texas Bowl between Rutgers and Kansas State.
Cable cos. get free week of NFL Network AP via Yahoo! News
The NFL has offered one free week of its network programming to two cable TV operators who don't carry the channel, and one will show the Texas Bowl between Rutgers and Kansas State.
Senate panel clears Reid on free tickets AP via Yahoo! News
Incoming Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid did not break Senate rules in accepting free ringside seats at boxing matches from the Nevada Athletic Commission, the Ethics Committee has concluded.
Free schools meal pledge honoured BBC News
North Tyneside's mayor fulfils an election pledge by offering free meals for primary school children.
Yankees allow Guiel to become free agent Sports Illustrated
The New York Yankees didn't plan to offer outfielder Aaron Guiel a contract by Tuesday night's deadline, making him a free agent.
NFL offering free week of its network AP via Yahoo! News
The NFL has offered one free week of its network programming to two cable TV operators who do not carry the channel in hopes of breaking a deadlock.
NFL offering free week of NFL Network to Time Warner and Cablevision USA Today
The NFL has offered one free week of its network programming to two cable TV operators who do not carry the channel in hopes of breaking a deadlock. Commissioner Roger Goodell told The Associated Press on Tuesday that the week of Dec. 24-30 would be offered as a "free view" for customers of Cablevision and Time Warner Cable, two of the nation's largest cable carriers.
Court rejects Skilling's bid to stay free pending appeal Los Angeles Times
Former Enron Corp. Chief Executive Jeffrey K. Skilling, sentenced to 24 years in prison for his role in a massive fraud that destroyed the company, lost his bid to remain free on bail while he appeals his conviction.
City Leaders Unveil Smoke-Free Marketing Program WYFF via Yahoo! News
Greenville city leaders and members of the city's hospitality industry gathered at City Hall on Tuesday for the unveiling of a new smoke-free education and marketing campaign.
600 free cash machines planned BBC News
Up to 600 free-to-use cash machines are to be sited in low income areas of the country, a committee of MPs says.

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