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Related Stories Bismarck Tribune
Ewrote on December 12, 2006 10:30 AM : "Did anybody know the guys had injuries when he returned? hmm." Come on wrote on December 12, 2006 7:29 AM : "You all are so superior and condecending. Perhaps you should spend your day working rather than blogging.
Local author's latest book underscores joys of giving The Huntsville Times
Children's book author Kim Dozier wants her readers to know that Christmas is about giving, not getting. Her new book, "When Santa Said, "No! No! No!" shows that holiday joy depends on thinking of others.
Daughter butts in with her festive message - 'Get a goat, get a life' icWales
HUGE excitement over the breakfast table as dad announces he's buying goats for everyone for Christmas.
Life In Wonderland Blogcritics.org
As the commenters to my posts demonstrate, there is no talking to those who refuse to take what you say seriously before they bloviate through the usage of mass quantities of tired canards and ad hominem attacks. This is an all-too-common problem of late, and some media types are finally getting tired of watching those who continue to believe that Santa will bring peace and democracy for the
A majority of Maryland voters — 52 percent — supports the construction of the proposed LNG facility on the site of the former Sparrows Point shipyard, according to a Mason Dixon poll commissioned by the company that wants to build the plant.
Stage Listings San Francisco Bay Guardian
Stage listings are compiled by Deborah Giattina. Performance times may change; call venues to confirm. Reviewers are Robert Avila, Rita Felciano, Karen McKevitt, and Nicole Gluckstern. See Picks for information on how to submit items to the listings.
Baby teeth saved for stem cells WTHR Indianapolis
The tooth fairy may not be as busy now that some parents are sending their children's teeth to a lab in hopes they could one day save their lives. Doctors say baby teeth are a great source for stem cells which may be used in the future to cure diseases.
Scoop Top 30 Daily Ratings 12 December 2006 Scoop.co.nz
Yesterday's top 30 rating items on Scoop were
Seasonal teaser Guardian Unlimited
There are some questions from pupils teachers never want to answer. Where do babies come from? What is a virgin? And, worst of all: Is Father Christmas real?
78 days in an RV smelling fast food MobileMag
There's spending money to save money, but this is ridius. And what about the smell? Wouldn't it drive you crazy after awhile?
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