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ZoomIt 1.15
presentation tool that let's you zoom the screen and move around
MB Free Tarot Software 1.0 Freeware
MB Free Tarot Software - advanced personalized tarot design share and reading program
Find My Credit Card 2.2 Freeware
Find My Credit Card - Your PC stores credit card information and private info
NewTabURL 1.2.6 Freeware
Select default URL when new tabs are opened: "Blank page", "Home page", "Current page" or a user defined URL
Switcher 2.10 Freeware
DXsoft Switcher is a simple software to handle devices connected to an LPT-port
MailMan 2.0 Freeware
MailMan is a nifty Mail notifier extension for Firefox
ImgLikeOpera 0.6.14 Freeware
ImgLikeOpera allows load only the images that you want in Firefox browser
Freeware that convert a pdf in exe file that shows pdf without a
PDF2EXE is a freeware that converts a pdf in a .exe so you can read the pdf in any computer without install acrobat reader (or any other pdf reader)It has a lot of options so you can customize the pdf visualization
Celebrating Christmas PDF Magazine 2006
Internet´s first freely downloadable and printable Christmas magazine
webGobbler 1.2.6
webGobbler wanders the web, downloads random images and mixes them

Xelenio - Software musicale freeware
Xelenio.com, il primo portale italiano indipendente sulla computer music.
Programmi freeware
Software freeware e shareware per il fotoritocco, la modellazione 3D, la gestione delle immagini, la creazione di immagini animate.
Software freeware Download Gratis - 4you Gratis
Software freeware e shareware da scaricare gratis.
Open Directory - World: Italiano: Computer: Software: Freeware
Biohazard-net: download zone - Portale dedicato al software freeware e Free Alternative - Catalogo e recensioni software freeware e/o open source.
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Software freeware Download Gratis - 4you Gratis
Software freeware e shareware da scaricare gratis.
Open Directory - World: Italiano: Computer: Software: Freeware
Biohazard-net: download zone - Portale dedicato al software freeware e Free Alternative - Catalogo e recensioni software freeware e/o open source.
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Tutto per internet, ex Tutto karaoke&midi - Servizi utili - risorse free, grafica, gif, musica, locali, servizi gratis, servizi utili, link,
Freeonline - La guida italiana alle risorse gratuite - Dove tutto
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Software freeware e shareware
Dove scaricare software freeware e shareware. Altro Software freeware. Computer news a cura di Virgilio.it. Tomtom con Ranzani
Tutto Gratis - Giochi, Software, Musica, Foto, Video, Gratis!
Tutto Gratis, guida alle migliori risorse gratis della rete: software, giochi, video, musica, internet, immagini, sms, antivirus e tanto altro ancora,
Directory Web di Google - World > Italiano > Computer > Software
Contiene un archivio di software (freeware e shareware) suddiviso in oltre 30 categorie, oltre ad una sezione con trucchi e guide.
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risorse gratis, download, musica, servizi, internet, web, musica, wav, mp3, software, freeware, free, script, php, cms, wps, antivirus, programma,
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