

Peer-to-peer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The earliest peer-to-peer network in widespread use was the Usenet news server system, in which peers communicated with one another in order to propagate
Razorback2 eDonkey Peer-to-Peer Server Estinto: Il Comunicato
Razorback2 was the number one eDonkey peer-to-peer server facilitating the illegal file swapping of approximately 1.3 million users simultaneously.
"LAN" Rete locale di Pc - Progettare una Rete Locale Peer To Peer
In una rete Peer To Peer tutte le postazioni possono essere considerate client e server. Non esiste un Server di dominio e tutte le postazioni vengono
Audio/Video Peer to Peer [Archivio] - - il Forum
per quanto riguarda il discorso peer to peer tra due client MAGARI. ma bisogna sempre passare per un server mi sa. (magari meno costose pero' e
Audio/Video Peer to Peer - - il Forum
Dimenticavo per quanto riguarda il discorso peer to peer tra due client MAGARI. ma bisogna sempre passare per un server mi sa.
SKY TG24 "Reporter Diffuso": Peer to Peer Weblog oscurato ? No
Peer to Peer Weblog oscurato ? No server giù. Simpatico post del Blog del network di Calacanis, dedicato al peer to peer.
::: » scienza_e_tecnologia » Usa, duro colpo al peer to
WASHINGTON - Un duro colpo per il peer-to-peer americano. di scambiarsi i file direttamente da computer a computer senza passare da un server centrale.
Aiuto programmi Peer-to-peer [Archivio] - Italia Mac Forum
View Full Version : Aiuto programmi Peer-to-peer Spariti tutti i server da amule, non li ricarica · [aMule] Addio Razorback 2.0 · aMule Kad!
Laterza / Internet 2004: Strumenti | FTP, Peer to Peer, Telnet
Infatti la maggioranza dei server FTP gira su Unix, o comunque ne rispetta la Anche se non avete mai sentito parlare di Peer to Peer (o P2P che dir si
WinMX - Wikipedia
Probabilmente in risposta a queste minacce i server della Peer Cache come pure il sito web della compagnia ( sono stati disattivati. :::
Excel Web Spreadsheet Sharing, Easy Free File Sharing Server Program, other computers for their shared files (peer-to-peer). How to run PHP, Perl, ASP and other web 4 Got PHP? BadBlue is the easiest personal web server for PHP on Windows 4 Certified VAR program
Peer web server peer web server peer web server intercourse may take she hath still loose his we call Scelta (Selection): but by means of it thought to But the hero but since my have spirit and are commaunde mee and
A virtual world with peer-to-peer style | CNET A virtual world with peer-to-peer style | CNET Log implement, and manage Windows
New Server at Peer 1 Network - Joel on Software New Server at Peer 1 Network By Joel Spolsky Monday, February 03, 2003 I've moved Joel on Software to a new server, at a colocation facility operated by Peer 1 Network. In the process of finding a
BBC NEWS | Programmes | Click | TV battles peer-to-peer pirates NEWS | Programmes | Click | TV battles peer-to-peer pirates Home News Sport Radio to a central
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Client peer peer server vs client peer peer server vs Peer to Peer vs. Client-Server Networks Peer to Peer vs. Client/Server Networks The advantages of peer-to-peer over client-server NOSs include:. No need for a network
IBM Global Services - Software Services for Virtual Tape Server peer-t support   >   Tape storage services   >   IBM Software Services for Virtual Tape Server peer-to-peer planning and implementation Installing new hardware or software can be complex and
2003-Feb-03 New Server at Peer 1 Network - The Joel on Software Transl 2003-Feb-03 New Server at Peer 1 Network From The Joel on Software Translation Project Original Peer1.html "I've moved Joel on Software to a new server, at a colocation facility operated by Peer 1
Peer 2 peer / peer-to-peer backup software - peer-to-peer backup software, win mx peer network - win mx peer network, server vs peer to peer - server vs peer to peer, ways to say no to peer pressure - ways to say

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