

File Extensions beginning with the letter 'R'
RAT, Internet; Text-formatted "Recreational Software Advisory Council" Rating RTP, Software patch database for RTPatch RXD, Database; Borland Reflex
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Format Audio Loop (Propellerhead Software). RXC, Reflection X Client File (WRQ). RXD, Reflex Database (Borland). RXF, Recipe Exchange Format
R - extensions
RSL, PC Tools Resources Library, Borland's Paradox 7 Report, Adobe Pagemaker File RXD, Reflex Database .RXH, Reflex Database Help File
Seznam souborů s příponou začínající na R
.rws - Borland C++ Resource Workshop Symbol soubor .rxd - Reflex datasoubor .rxh - Reflex Database Help soubor .rxml - Roxen Macro Language
Common Filename Extensions
Response File ARF LOW BMP Graphic Image BMP MED Borland C++ Project File IDE RMAP8 TMAP8 LOW Reflex Database RXD MED Reflex Report RXR MED RenderWare
File Format. Extensions.
RWS, Resource Workshop data file, Borland C++. RWX, Criterion RenderWare. RWX, MEME Shape File. RWX, Script, RenderWare. RXD, Reflex 1 datafile, Reflex 1
file extensions
Windows NT4 AutoCAD 14 ACAD.RX Lists ARX applications that load when you start AutoCAD. rxd. Binary MS-DOS Borland ReFlex Database Database file
Glossaire Informatique - Extensions de fichiers en R
RC, Borland C++ Resource Compiler Script File. RC, resource compiling RXD, Reflex Database. RXH, Reflex Database Help File. RXR, Reflex Database Report
Windows File Extensions/File Types
LN Borland C++ TLink Response File .$VM MS Windows Virtual Manager Temp File RXD Reflex Database .RXH Reflex Database Help File .RXR Reflex Database
File Investigator File Formats in version 1.10 (323) Description
Borland Graphics Interface, BGI, 145. CALS Raster Image, CAL, RAS, CALS, 180 Reflex Database, RXD, 138. Reflex Report, RXR, 139 File Extensions beginning with the letter 'R' MOD) file RTM Sound; Real Tracker Module RTP Software patch database for RTPatch RTP Microsoft Live 3D; see FLR RWX (2) RenderWare RXD Database; Borland Reflex RXX RAR compressed files from a
File extensions list beginning with .r file (usually MS VC++) .rtp - Software update file (.RTPatch) .rtr file .rvw - ReVieW .rws - Borland C++ Resource Workshop Symbol Dos7 file .rxd - Reflex datafile .rxh - Reflex Database Help File
R - extensions PC Tools Resources Library, Borland's Paradox 7 Report, Adobe Responce Text File, Rockwell Software Logix 5 File .RT RealText File .RX Reflex Database Driver .RXD Reflex Database
File Extension List file (usually MS VC++) RTP = Software update file (.RTPatch) RTR file RVW = ReVieW RWS = Borland C++ Resource Workshop Symbol Dos7 file RXD = Reflex datafile RXH = Reflex Database Help File
HABIT Reflect Reader produced by the Borland Reflect MS-DOS as to this software, whether into most modern database or spreadsheet then load another Reflex file. You can reflect a:\olddata.rxd to convert the
Extensions Base N-S report .RPD RapidFile database .RPF AutoCAD pattern RTL Text file .RTP Software update file video .RVW ReVieW .RWS Borland C++ Resource Workshop RWX MEME Shape File .RXD Reflex datafile Up Ext

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