Galileo Galilei (Physical, astronomer and Italian philosopher) he bears to Pisa February 15 1564 from Vincent Galilei (musician) and Julia Ammannati, intelligent but very quarrelsome woman.

    On its way from the Father to the studies of medicine beside the University of Pisa in the 1581, he started well soon to take an interest to the mathematics and to the physics.

    He returned to Florence in the 1585 without have finished the studies of medicine, but already known to the greater studious of the epoch for the results that he/she/it/you was getting in the physical-mathematical field, what the discovery of the "isocronismo" (equal time) of the oscillations of the pendulum (1583), the construction of the balance hydrostatics for determine the specific weight of the solid (1586), any theorems on the [baricentro] (1586-1587).

    The fame of which he enjoyed it allowed of get a desk of mathematics to Pisa that held in the 1589 until at 1592.

    In the years to follow began to study the astronomy and devoted to the fundamental problems of the mechanics, exposing in any manuscripts (DE MOTU) a theory that overcame the conception of the motorbike of the tradition "aristotelica".

    He in the 1592 had to republic from Venice a desk of mathematics to Padova that held until at 1610; he during this period continued the studies of mechanics and he was concerned with the FALL SERIOUS GODS that he exposed in the work of the "MECHANICAL SCIENCE it Is the utility that draws aside from the tools of that", that it were diffused, written by hand and published in French translation from the Mersenne in the 1634 with the title Les Mèchaniques.

    He also devoted itself to the astronomy: any letters, between which a to Keplero of the 1597, they testify that he supported the theory exposed from Copernico; he in three lessons of the 1604 supported the validity of any proofs of this even.

    Until it since then was constant character of his work the search of practical applications: in a small shop, beside the own house of Padova, he built numerous mathematical tools (between which a calculating rule, [descritto] in the brochure you operations of the geometric military compass, of the 1606); he invented a thermometer and he built magnets, with an accurate study of the armors that any increases the power.

    But the more important realization was that of the "[cannocchiale]" (the father of the telescope) that it really was not invention of Galileo, since the use of the lenses had stayed introduced already in the "medioevo" (historical period) and at the end of the` 500 Italian glassworkers and artisans of the Low Countries had manufactured apparatuses of this type; besides a theory of the optic such ownerships to allow the construction of a "cannocchiale" had stayed exposed from G.B. Of the Door and from Keplero; Galileo was but the first that it dealt with mainly of the tool, improves it, increasing the power of enlargement and above all using it for astronomic observations, that corroborated the system adopted from Copernico.

   He discovered the four greater satellites than Jupiter (that he denominated "planets medicei"), the mountains and the craters of the Moon, the sunspots: he in the 1610 gave news of his observations in the Sidereus Nuncius, published to Venice.

    In the same Cosimo year de' Medici conferred him the he loads of "primary mathematician of the study of Pisa" without obligation of lessons neither of residence: as he moved to Florence and devote completely to the search.

   The increasing hostility of the religious environments against the theory of Copernico carried the the Pontifical Errand, in the 1616, to condemn this resolutely and to reaffirm the imposition of the system adopted from Tolomeo: the work of Copernico had begun to the Index and Galileo came summoned to Rome to justify his opinions.

    His position was rejected and Galileo had invited to don't deal with still of the theory that foresaw the sun to the center of the universe.

The scientist didn't abandon however the astronomic observations: he studied the motorbike and the eclipses of the planets "Medicei", in the intent of find a method for determine the longitude during the navigation.

He in the 1623 published one of his more important writings, The assayer.

    After a long elaboration, he in the 1632 published the Dialogue above the two maxima systems of the world, in which he show the foundation of the system of Copernico against that of Tolomeo. Thank you to the regression of the Pope Urbano VIII verse most intransigent defense of the traditions, the scientist was again called to Rome, tried, and judged guilty (1633).

    For don't finish in jail he was forced to the abnegation, and the jail to life, to which Galileo had stayed convict came immediately commuted in a "relegation or boundary to the garden of the Trinità of the Mountains" where it was center of the embassy of the duke; then he after any day had transferred beside the Archbishop of Siena (Piccolomini, a his friend, admirer, but you must be loyal to the orders). In the following December he will come him however allowed of move in the own residence: a house isolated to Arcetri, near to convent where they already lived like nuns the two Virginia daughters and Livia.

   In the isolated house there lived for 6 years in a rigorous isolation (from the 1637 almost completely blind) until at 1639. 

    He devoted itself still to the science and he in the 1638 published (to Leida) a last fundamental work: the Discourses and mathematical demonstrations around two new connected sciences to the mechanics and the local movements.

    He was to him granted, in succession, of entertain a studious young man, Vincent Viviani, at home and beginning from the October of the 1641 Torricelli Evangelist will be added. A company of brief duration, of only three months; l'8 January 1642 to 78 years Galileo Galilei died (he had born to Pisa February 15)

     The importance of Galileo in the history of the thought is due however above all to the innovation of the method of the search: though not having ever discussed regularly the methodological problem, he more times supported a way in his work of proceed, synthesis of experimental analysis and of mathematical treatment, that the method of the modern science has become since then. In the 1992 S.S. Giovanni Paolo II°, that had asked the revision of the in the 1979 "G case," He has withdrawn the sentence of the Church to the man of science.