Report: World Bank Fails to Address Poverty A new report by the World Bank’s Independent Evaluation Group criticizes the international lending organization for failing to alleviate global poverty with programs that focus too single-mindedly on growth. The bank estimates that 1.1 Tsunami Reconstruction in India to cost $1.2 billion, says World rehabilitation and reconstruction needs in the four mainland tsunami-affected states and territories of India are to the tune of US$1.2 billion, according to a Damage and Needs Assessment Report prepared jointly by the World Bank, Darfur took world focus from Sudan north-south deal: Vraalsen The World Bank said in March that more than $1.1 billion of aid money was spent on urgent humanitarian needs mostly in the south. Aid needed in southern Sudan alone stands at $2.5 billion, the World Bank says. Bread, Bread, Everywhere, Yet Not a Morsel to Eat “Free trade”, “economic development”, and IMF/World Bank “assistance” are prescriptions for disaster for the people of the “developing world”. Having eliminated much of their own arable land for commercial or industrial use, On the Run as War Crosses Another Line in Africa A decade ago there were more than 200 private companies working here, according to the World Bank. Today, only about 20 remain. In the past decade, disease and hunger have slashed life expectancy by 10 years, to about 40. Friends of People While World Bank report claims that India is very near to poverty eradiction goal, Prime Minister Manmohan singh emphasising on farming sector abruptly deviates into a fresh controversy , pledging top priority to Muslims in resource World Bank and Rural Development by Steven Kyle Even granting that this figure only represents projects initiated in 2006 it is still obvious that rural development is not a primary focus of World Bank lending. Rather, as stated in the article, emphasis has been more on education and This Week’s Top 10 12/03-12/09/06 World Bank’s Annual Review of Development Effectiveness 2006 from World Bank Poverty Growth and Development Blog; Guatemala: some headlines in news here this week from; Small is Beautiful: ARTI from Oorjaa’s blog. Bank Deals Archive 5.50% 24-Month CD at State Farm Bank; BBC News: ING bank faces charges in the US; 5.86% 31-Month CD at a South Dakota CU; 5.34% 9-Month CD at a Florida CU; History Behind World Savings Bank; 5.25% 11-Month CD at Wachovia on World Bank, Batman and sub $100 Laptop PS: This came after whole hours in mind numbing sessions with smart from the World Bank in their Second Coming. They’re smart, expensive, utterly useless, tediously effeminate and ultimately evil. How they ever managed to be running a
Global Data Monitoring Information System The Millennium Development Goals website is managed and maintained by the Development Data Group of the World Bank in association with the agencies and The World Bank Group Highlights countries and regions, key development issues, the latest development data, curricular materials, collaborative learning networks, and research | The Information for Development Program A global grant program managed by the World Bank to promote innovative projects on the use of information and communication technologies for economic and World Bank Group - Indonesia Provides news and events and in-depth analysis with a regional overview, country briefs, data and statistics, publications, development topics, initiatives, The World Bank in Vietnam Provides loans, policy advice, technical assistance and knowledge-sharing services to reduce poverty. Anti-Corruption Since 1996, the World Bank has supported more than 600 anticorruption Oct 14, 2005, World Bank President: Doha a Test for International Community HIV/AIDS - World Bank world bank, AIDS is not just a public health problem. Since the epidemic began, it has killed millions of adults in the prime of their working and parenting Welcome to World Bank Group Data sources for GenderStats include national statistics, United Nations databases, and World Bank-conducted or funded surveys. The Whirled Bank Group Spoof of the World Bank site commenting on the international finance system specifically as it impacts the developing world. "Our Dream is a World Full of Poland Sep 27, 2006, Central Europe and Baltics Need Tighter Fiscal Policies And Critical Public Sector Reforms, Says World Bank (Press Release)
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