The Harrods of Hairdressing and Beauty Salons to Enter UK and Irish Market Via Master Franchising PR Web The premier French hairdressing and beauty group, Dessange International, is to expand its retail portfolio into the UK and Ireland via master franchising, as part of its international expansion programme. (PRWeb Feb 23, 2007) Cable franchising bill passes Senate, heads to House BizJournals The Missouri Senate passed a bill Tuesday that makes the state the only franchising authority for cable television service. 1st Propane® Franchising and White River Distributors Announce Truck Purchase Agreement Key Element in the Expansion Plans of 1st Propane Franchising [ - February 22, 2007] Legislature moving on cable franchise bills BizJournals Rep. Trey Traviesa, R-Tampa, said Wednesday he is making the Consumer Choice Act a priority for the 2007 regular legislative session in Tallahassee. The bill, based on similar measures that have passed within Texas, Virginia and Indiana, would create state-issued franchising to streamline the cable television franchise process. Top US Franchise Attorney, Franchise Broker and Fortune 500 Executive Agree to Introduce 21 Marco's Pizzas to Atlanta Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance ATLANTA----William Vincent, author of numerous books and articles on franchising and a top franchise attorney and college professor, and Dan Marshall, a former executive with Techtronics and Intergraph, both Fortune 500 companies, will introduce Marco's Ah! Lawmakers: Bill would spur TV provider competition Crane's Chicago Business (Crain's) -- Two state legislators have proposed changes to laws that they say would spur competition among pay-television service providers. AT&T Inc. has pushed hard for the changes as it seeks to roll out its new television service in the state, but current providers object to the proposal, Missouri Senate Approves Cable-Franchise-Reform Bill MultiChannel News The Missouri state Senate approved a cable-franchising-reform bill , but without cable-incumbent-supported language that would have protected cable-delivered voice-over-Internet-protocol phone services from state regulation. Submit your business Observer-Dispatch Don’t see your company on this list? The O-D Business Guide is posted at and maintained online throughout the year. Please e-mail this information to : * Company Name. Blockbuster to Sell Australian Unit AP via Yahoo! Finance Movie-rental Blockbuster Inc. said Thursday it agreed to sell its Australian subsidiary and grant master franchise rights to Video Ezy, an Australian video rental company with 518 locations. Municipal Wi-deology: Put Politics Aside Local Tech Wire Editor’s note: Civitium, a suburban Atlanta-based consulting firm, finds itself in the middle of a growing debate about how the City of San Francisco should proceed with a city-wide wireless fidelity (WiFi) network.
AZ Franchising Az Franchising, il primo e-magazine del franchising italiano. Franchising | HOME Illustra la libreria in franchising, le modalità e requisiti richiesti per l'affiliazione. Informazioni sulle pubblicazioni editoriali e sulle risorse del Franchising Immobiliare. Opportunità Franchising. Immobiliare in Franchising Immobiliare. Opportunità Franchising. Immobiliare in franchising. Immobiliare franchising. Agenzie immobiliari in franchising. La prossima edizione di Franchising & Trade si terrà in dal 20 al 23 ottobre 2006 e si svolgerà in contemporanea con Shop Project - Salone Internazionale di Franchising - Wikipedia Il franchising, o affiliazione commerciale, è una formula di collaborazione tra imprenditori per la distribuzione di servizi e/o beni, indicata per chi Mail Boxes Etc. Per realizzare il tuo progetto imprenditoriale entra anche tu in MBE, la più grande rete in Italia e nel mondo in franchising nel campo dei servizi postali, ECC Franchising e' una proposta facile, immediata, ricca di L'adesione al sistema di franchising permette all'Affiliato di usufruire della competenza, dell'esperienza e di tutte le procedure tecnico-operative ideate Franchising Corsi di Informatica: aprire un centro di formazione Aprire un centro di formazione informatica Prometheo permette di entrare in un mercato in crescita ed in continua evoluzione appoggiandosi al Know How ed Franchising Mediarete - Web agency e siti internet in franchising Mediarete è il franchising per web agency che realizza siti internet e posizionamento nei motori di ricerca. Apri una web agency ePOINT in franchising: a - Franchising Il Franchising ti permette di aprire un'attività di lavoro autonomo, avvalendoti dell'esperienza e del know-how di un marchio già affermato e con la libertà
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