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Meta System
antifurto satellitare, gruppi di continuità, antifurto auto, antifurto moto.
Sud Sound System
All'interno è presentato l'omonimo gruppo musicale, che fa propria la tradizione del dialetto salentino e delle musiche tradizionali del posto.
System of a Down - Wikipedia
I System of a Down (abbreviato S.O.A.D.) sono un gruppo alternative metal statunitense Tutti i membri dei System of a Down sono armeni (ad eccezione del
Content management system - Wikipedia
La compagnia cominciò a mettere a disposizione il software come un web-based content management system permettendo ai siti di creare interfacce di
PHP: system - Manual
We were using system() to call a Cocoa command-line binary from PHP using Mac OS X. If you are running PHP in a chroot environment then the system (and
System (Java 2 Platform SE v1.4.2)
Among the facilities provided by the System class are standard input, The current set of system properties for use by the getProperty(String) method is
System (Java 2 Platform SE 5.0)
Returns an unmodifiable string map view of the current system environment. The current set of system properties for use by the getProperty(String)
Expert System
Expert System, market leader in semantic technology, develops advanced linguistic software thanks to COGITO®, the exclusive platform for language
: CED4 - System Dynamics Group - University of Palermo :
CED4 è il gruppo di System Dynamics dell’Università di Palermo e applica la metodologia della System Dynamics ai problemi di governo dello sviluppo delle
Microsoft Office System 2007
Microsoft Office Professional 2007 è una suite completa di software per produttività e database che ti farà risparmiare tempo e ti aiuterà ad essere

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Eastern Europe Opens Its Doors to US Missile Defense System Washington has again confirmed its desire to establish bases in Eastern Europe as part of its missile defense system. In response, the Russian military has threatened to aim rockets at US facilities in Poland and the Czech Republic. American officials
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Eastern Europe Opens Its Doors to US Missile Defense System Washington has again confirmed its desire to establish bases in Eastern Europe as part of its missile defense system. In response, the Russian military has threatened to aim rockets at US facilities in Poland and the Czech Republic. American officials
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Gli esperti cono un po' scettici, ma la D-Wave System di Vancouver, in Canada, ha annunicato di avere realizzato il primo computer quantistico a scopi commerciali.
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policy and its never entirely convincing efforts to construct a stable, bipolar political system. Mr Prodi, who held office for nine months, dedicated his government to the tasks of boosting
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