Advanced Micro Devices sotto i riflettori di Merrill Lynch
FinanzaOnline - Merrill Lynch ritiene probabile un imminente taglio dei prezzi dei processori, fattore che potrebbe dare un impluso benefico all'intero settore della produzione di personal computer....
Achab porta in Italia Kaseya
Computerworld Italia - eventi Windows; installazione software e aggiornamenti; generazione report; backup & disaster recovery; amministrazione delle richieste all'help desk; esecuzione di script sui personal computer ...
Festa de l'Unità: oggi moda, musica e cucina d'autore
Brundisium.Net - La tradizionale lotteria mette in palio, tra gli altri premi, una Fiat Punto, una barca, un viaggio in Grecia per due persone, un personal computer. L'estrazione sarà effettuata Domenica 25....
Antara Interactive - Windows Live , Alex Stewart mengatakan, peluncuran WLM ini merupakan perwujudan penempatan manusia pada pusat kehidupan digital dan menciptakan pengalaman yang sempurna antara Personal Computer ...
Istruzioni in caso di problemi
La Repubblica - PROBLEMI CON IL BROWSER ha testato le sue pagine sulle seguenti piattaforme e le versioni correnti dei seguenti browser: Personal Computer Win ...
all'assalto di console e PC Ecco la console per bambini
La Repubblica - L'Era glaciale entra nei computer; Food Force, videogame 'umanitario' questa volta il nemico è la fame Non soltanto un congegno per i videogiochi, ma un "personal media center", in grado di riprodurre ...
Proteggere, cancellare, recuperare Guida alla cura dei dati digitali
La Repubblica - L'INVASIONE del digitale nella vita quotidiana impone di gestire con la massima affidabilità dati conservati nel personal computer: fotografie, canzoni, film e documenti importanti. Negli attuali ...
documenti, musica e video conservati nel personal computer Quei ...
La Repubblica - Ecco i programmi per cercarli di FRANCESCO CACCAVELLA ROMA - E-mail scomparse, documenti introvabili, file mp3 e fotografie perdute nel fondo delle cartelle. Il personal computer è diventato l ...
Il Cyberstalking: molestia virtuale?
Altalex - anche di facile utilizzo, ed i soggetti che si divertono ad utilizzarli sono più numerosi di quanto si possa pensare) tanto più che un numero sempre maggiore di persone utilizza il personal computer ...
I numeri di Apple - La popolarità dell' iPod aiuta Apple a vendere più Mac, ma non abbastanza da far crescere la sua quota nel mercato mondiale dei personal computer. Recenti ricerche di mercato del gruppo Gartner e ...
Workers' personal information stolen (AP via Yahoo! News)
A laptop computer containing personal information of current and former employees of supermarket chains Stop & Shop, Giant and Tops was stolen during a commercial flight, the supermarkets' parent company said Friday. It was the second such incident disclosed by the company this month....
Workers' Personal Information Stolen (AP via Yahoo! Finance)
A laptop computer containing personal information of current and former employees of supermarket chains Stop & Shop, Giant and Tops was stolen during a commercial flight, the supermarkets' parent company said Friday....
Thieves take computer equipment from Hattiesburg City Hall (The Clarion-Ledger)
Two men broke into Hattiesburg City Hall and made off with more than $150,000 in computer equipment including a computer server that contains personal information of at least 23,000 city residents and employees....
Personal information of supermarket chains' workers stolen (Boston Globe)
A laptop computer containing personal information of current and former employees of supermarket chains Stop & Shop, Giant and Tops was stolen during a commercial flight, according to the supermarkets' parent company. It was the second such incident disclosed by the company this month....
Workers' Personal Information Stolen (Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune)
BOSTON (AP) - A laptop computer containing personal information of current and former employees of supermarket chains Stop & Shop, Giant and Tops was stolen during a commercial flight, the supermarkets' parent company said Friday. It was the second such incident disclosed by the company this month. The U.S. subsidiary of Dutch parent company Royal Ahold NV and an auditor whose employee had the ...
Personal information of supermarket chains' workers stolen (Boston Herald)
BOSTON - A laptop computer containing personal information of current and former employees of supermarket chains Stop & Shop, Giant and Tops was stolen during a commercial flight, the supermarkets' ...
Sailors' personal data posted on the Web (AP via Yahoo! News)
The Navy has begun a criminal investigation after Social Security numbers and other personal data for 28,000 sailors and family members were found on a civilian Web site....
Workers' personal information stolen (Victoria Advocate)
The U.S. subsidiary of Dutch parent company Royal Ahold NV and an auditor whose employee had the computer would not say when the laptop was stolen, how many supermarket employees were affected or describe what personal information had been divulged....
USDA computer compromised (UPI)
WASHINGTON, June 23 (UPI) -- The U.S. Agriculture Department says personal data for 26,000 people may have been compromised in its computer system. The agency says a hacker breached the system, gaining information on employees, retirees and contractors, the Washington Post reported....
Sailors' Personal Data Posted on the Web (ABC News)
28,000 Sailors' Personal Data, Including Social Security Numbers, Posted on Civilian Web Site...

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