aproposito di mondiali....e paranoie!!!
Indymedia Italia - il mondo sono infatti minacciati da un nuovo virus che utilizza i Mondiali per infettare i computer. Sospettiamo che sia solo l'inizio", ha spiegato James Rendell, responsabile di Internet Security ...
I virus cambiano pelle
VNUnet - che utilizzano la tecnologia spyware per spiare privati e imprese", spiega Walter Narisoni, Security La strategia di protezione antivirus sul gateway e sui computer desktop deve contemplare anche l ...
Soluzione di sicurezza Sophos Endpoint Security
PC Self - Sophos ha annunciato il rilascio di una nuova soluzione di sicurezza integrata: Sophos Endpoint Security. La nuova soluzione protegge dalle intrusioni i computer desktop, i portatili e i server ...
UE: al via una campagna per la sicurezza di rete
Computerworld Italia - di sensibilizzazione chiamata 'IT Security for Europe'. Secondo la Commissione, aziende, singoli individui e autorità pubbliche passano troppo poco tempo sulla sicurezza dei rispettivi computer e reti...
Cybercrime: diminuisce l'impatto economico sulle aziende, ma non sui ...
Trend Online - Sta diminuendo, secondo uno studio di Computer Security Institute condotto negli Usa, l'impatto economico delle frodi informatiche sulle aziende. Mentre da più parti si parla dell'aumento dei ...
01Net - Ogni venerdì, attraverso la posta elettronica, potete ricevere sul vostro computer le principali spinge gli hard disk drives Imprivata: una "front door" più sicura per le imprese Ca: la security ...
Virus prende di mira la posta elettronica di Yahoo
01Net - Il virus infetta il personal computer non appena l'utente tenta di aprire l'e-mail con il proprio Dean Turner, senior manager del "Symantec Security Response" ha sottolineato come il virus sfrutti ...
Sophos guarda alla sicurezza degli endpoint
Computerworld Italia - funzionalità in un pacchetto software che consente agli amministratori di rete di gestire la sicurezza di migliaia di computer da un'unica console. Il prodotto, chiamato Sophos Endpoint Security , è ...
Allarme Nugache: è l'ultimo virus 'avvistato' sulla rete
ITportal - I Websense Security Labs segnalano un worm che usa il canale di controllo P2P reti AOL/MSN Instant Messenger come allegato email e sfrutta diverse vulnerabilità dei computer....
Sophos Endpoint Security: tre prodotti in uno per una garanzia di ...
Trend Online - Sophos Endpoint Security. La nuova soluzione protegge dalle intrusioni i computer desktop, i portatili e i server aziendali e blocca virus noti e sconosciuti, spyware e adware....
Audit finds computer security was a low priority at OU (The Marion Star)
ATHENS (AP) - Ohio University's Computer Services department was running seven-figure surpluses and spending on generous benefits for employees while it was failing make adequate investments in firewalls and other computer security measures, according to an outside consultant's report....
Security not a priority, OU computer system audit finds (The Plain Dealer)
Athens - An audit of Ohio University's computer system has found that security was not a priority and that lack of communication between computer and network services departments contributed to several computer breaches....
Audit: Ohio U. Cyber Security Low Priority (ABC News)
Audit Finds Computer Security Has a Low Priority at Ohio University; Data Theft Investigated...
OU approves security upgrade (
ATHENS (AP) - Ohio University's board of trustees agreed Friday to spend up to $4 million to bolster the university's computer security after five instances of data theft since March 2005 have put students, alumni and employees at risk for identify theft....
Social Security numbers stolen (Contra Costa Times)
The Social Security numbers of more than 2,800 current and former San Francisco State students were stolen when a thief broke into a faculty member's car and swiped a laptop computer....
WIU computer security breach (Macomb Eagle)
A breach in security inside a computer system at WIU resulted in the record exposure of more than 200,000 people. Officials at WIU said late last week that an investigation into the incident suggests the records were not copied....
Hacked off: Computer security company plays its ethical card (Daily Record)
MENDHAM TWP. -- While trying to persuade companies to beef up their computer network security, David M. Morris insists that he does not play the FUD card....
Hacker breaks into Agriculture Department's computer system (Bismarck Tribune)
WASHINGTON - A hacker broke into the Agriculture Department's computer system and may have obtained names, Social Security numbers and photos of 26,000 Washington-area employees and contractors, the department said Wednesday....
Audit: Ohio U. Cyber Security Low Priority (Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune)
ATHENS, Ohio (AP) - Ohio University's Computer Services department was running seven-figure surpluses and spending on generous benefits for employees while it was failing to make adequate investments in firewalls and other computer security measures, according to an outside consultant's report. The university is in the midst of investigating five cases of data theft since March 2005 in which ...
Child porn found on fire official's computer (The Grand Rapids Press)
KENTWOOD -- When former Kentwood Deputy Fire Chief Mark Smith turned in a laptop computer after leaving a part-time security job, he cost himself his lifelong occupation, city officials say....

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