
gestione tasti

modifica dimensione campi


--TABULA1 gestione dimensione campi o field
ON mousedown
  put "" into msg
  put 30 into h
  put 30 into k
  repeat for 2 times
    repeat with a=1 to 15
      put "" into cd fld a
    end repeat
    put "11 12 13 14 15" into v1
    put 50 into x1
    put 100 into x2
    repeat with a=1 to 5
      set rectangle of cd fld a to x1,20,x2,40
      add 60 to x1
      add 60 to x2
      set height of cd fld a to h
      set width of cd fld a to k
      put word a of v1 into cd fld a
    end repeat
    put 50 into x1
    put 100 into x2
    put 6 into b
    repeat with a=1 to 5
      set rectangle of cd fld b to x1,100,x2,140
      add 60 to x1
      add 60 to x2
      set height of cd fld b to h
      set width of cd fld b to k
      put word a of v1 into cd fld b
      add 1 to b
    end repeat
    put 50 into x1
    put 100 into x2
    put 11 into b
    repeat with a=1 to 5
      set rectangle of cd fld b to x1,160,x2,240
      add 60 to x1
      add 60 to x2
      set height of cd fld b to h
      set width of cd fld b to k
      put word a of v1 into cd fld b
      add 1 to b
    end repeat
    add 20 to h
    ADD 10 to k
    put premi_clic_O_USCITA
    wait until mouseclick()
  end repeat
end mousedown