

go to first wd	go to next wd	go to prev wd	go to last wd
go to first cd	go to next cd	go to prev cd	go to last cd
go to wd n	go to wd “nome	go to cd n	go to cd “nome”
close wd	close wd n	open wd	open wd n
close cd	close cd n	open cd 	open cd n	
visual effect iris open (close) slow (fast)
visual effect wipe (scroll) down(up,left,right) slow(fast)
visual effect venetian blinds slow(fast)
set visible of cd n (grc n) to true (to false)
set visible of msg (btn) to true (to false)
put dato into line nL of cd fld nF
put dato(“stringa”) into variabile
put dato(variabile) into cd fld n
put “a b c d e” into vettore	put word n of vettore into cd fld 	
put “a,b,c,d,e” into vettore 	put item n of vettore into cd fld n
put “abcde” into vettore	put char n of vettore into cd fld n
delete word n(item n,char n) of vettore
delete last(first) word (item,char) of vettore
show cd fld n
hide cd fld n
repeat for  times .............istruzioni....end repeat
repeat with k=i to n......istruzioni....end repeat	
repeat until it>max..........istruzioni....end repeat
repeat until it<min...........istruzioni....end repeat
repeat with k=5 down to 1  ciclo.....end repeat
repeat with k=1 to 5.................ciclo......end repeat
repeat....if k=limite then EXIT....end repeat
if condizione=vera then azione1 else azione2 END IF
if condizione=vera then azione
if true(false) then azione1 else azione2  END IF
if true (false) then azione1 else azione2
if true(false) then azione END IF

SET assegna parametro o valore o stato
GET memorizza parametro o valore o stato
PUT visualizza parametro o valore o stato
SET penpat of cd fld n to valore
GET penpat of cd fld n
PUT it into v	PUT it into cd fld n	PUT v into cd fld n
PUT “testo “ & it into line nL of cd fld nF
 set (penheigth,penwidth,penfore,penback) numero
 set (fillpat,fillfore,fillback,shadow) numero
 set (the foreground) numero
 set (height,didth,linesize) numero
 set (textcolor,textheight) numero
 set (textstyle) “bold,italic,´outline,shadow”
 set (textfont) “monaco,geneva,palatino”
 set (textalign) “center,left,right”
 set (showlines,textarrows) true (false)
 set (roundwidth,roundheight) numero
 set rectangle of cd fld n to x1,y1,x2,y2
 set ink of cd grc nG to “tipo”
 delete line nL of cd fld nF
 select line nL of cd fld nF
 find “testo” of cd fld nF
 function nomeF x,y,stringa (variabili)
     put x+y into somma
     put somma into cd fld  n
  end nomeF
  go to nomeF(4,5,”testo”)
WAIT numero_secondi
WAIT until mouseclick()
show cd btn n	hide cd btn n
show cd fld n	hide cd fld n
show cd grc n	hide cd grc n