
disegnare 9 riquadri e inserire testi indicati:selezionare Edit-Card e scrivere programma cfr.sotto:salvato il programma
si attiva cliccando su singoli tasti:inserire su richiesta numeri per avere risultati




on mouseDOWN
  PUT 0 into somma
  repeat for 3 times
    ask "scrivi numero"
    put it+somma into somma
  end repeat
  put "somma " & somma into cd fld 1
end mousedown
on mouseDOWN
  PUT 0 into somma
  repeat with a=1 to 3
    ask "scrivi numero"
    put it+somma into somma
  end repeat
  put "somma numeri con WITH =" & somma INTO CD FLD 2
end mousedown
on mouseDOWN
  PUT 0 into somma
  put 99 into massimo
  put massimo into it
  repeat until it>massimo
    ask "scrivi numero:per finire 100"
    IF it <100 then put it+somma into somma
  end repeat
  put "somma numeri con UNTIL =" & somma into cd fld 3
end mousedown
on mouseDOWN
  PUT 0 into somma
  put 0 into it
  put -99 into minimo
  put -50 into limite
  repeat while it>minimo
    ask "scrivi numero:-200 per finire"
    if it>minimo then put it+somma into somma
    if it>limite then exit repeat
  end repeat
  put "somma con WHILE..EXIT " & somma into cd fld 4
end mousedown
on mousedown
  go to next cd
end mousedown


altro esempio di programma e suo listato


on mousedown
  put 5 into a
  put 8 into b
  if a=b then put "valori uguali " into cd fld 1
    put "valori diversi " into cd fld 1
  end if
end mousedown
on mousedown
  put 5 into a
  put 8 into b
  if a<b then put "a < b " into cd fld 2
  if a>b then put "a > b " into cd fld 2
end mousedown
on mousedown
  put 5 into a
  put 8 into b
  if a<b then put "a < b " into cd fld 3
  put "fine prova If " into cd fld 4
end mousedown
on mousedown
  put mouse()
  if true then put "positivo" into cd fld 5
  if false then put "negativo" into cd fld 5
end mousedown
on mousedown
  put mouse()
  if true then put "positivo" into cd fld 6
    put "negativo" into cd fld 6
  end if
end mousedown
on mousedown
  put 0 into somma
  repeat with a=5 down to 1
    put somma+a into somma
  end repeat
  put "ciclo D= " & somma into cd fld 7
end mousedown
on mousedown
  put 0 into somma
  repeat with a=1 to 5
    put somma+a into somma
  end repeat
  put "ciclo A= " & somma into cd fld 8
end mousedown
on mousedown
  close wd
end mousedown