
--gestione matrice e moltiplicazione per numero da indicare
on mousedown
  put "" into cd fld 1
  put "" into cd fld 2
  put "" into v1
  put "" into v2
  put "" into v3
  put "" into v4
  put "" into msg
  put "caricamento dati in vettori"
  repeat with r=1 to 2
    repeat with c=1 to 3
      ask numero
      if r=1 then put v1 & it & " " into v1
      if r=2 then put v2 & it & " " into v2
    end repeat
  end repeat
  put "" into msg
  ask fattore_moltiplicatore
  put it into k
  put "creazione vettori con elementi inseriti"
  repeat with r=1 to 2
    repeat with c=1 to 3
      if r=1 then put v3 & (word c of v1)*k & " " into v3 
      if r=2 then put v4 & (word c of v2)*k & " " into v4
    end repeat
  end repeat
  put "stampa vettori originali e dopo prodotto"
  put v1 into line 1 of cd fld 1
  put v2 into line 2 of cd fld 1
  set textstyle of cd fld 2 to "bold"
  put v3 into line 1 of cd fld 2
  put v4 into line 2 of cd fld 2
end mousedown 

--gestione matrice e moltiplicazione per numero da indicare
on mousedown
  repeat with a=1 to 12
    put "" into cd fld a
  end repeat
  put "" into v1
  put "" into v2
  put "" into v3
  put "" into v4
  put "" into msg
  put "caricamento dati in vettori"
  repeat with r=1 to 2
    repeat with c=1 to 3
      ask numero
      if r=1 then put v1 & it & " " into v1
      if r=2 then put v2 & it & " " into v2
    end repeat
  end repeat
  put "" into msg
  ask fattore_moltiplicatore
  put it into k
  put "creazione vettori con elementi inseriti"
  repeat with r=1 to 2
    repeat with c=1 to 3
      if r=1 then put v3 & (word c of v1)*k & " " into v3 
      if r=2 then put v4 & (word c of v2)*k & " " into v4
    end repeat
  end repeat
  put "stampa vettori originali e dopo prodotto"
  repeat with a=1 to 3
    put word a of v1 into cd fld a
  end repeat
  put 4 into b
  repeat with a=1 to 3
    put word a of v2 into cd fld b
    add 1 to b
  end repeat
  repeat with a=1 to 3
    put word a of v3 into cd fld b
    add 1 to b
  end repeat
  repeat with a=1 to 3
    put word a of v4 into cd fld b
    add 1 to b
  end repeat
end mousedown