CERCA1 RICERCA testo e conta ritrovamenti tasto ATTIVA --uso di IF multipli on mousedown put 0 into trovato set visible of msg to false put "" into cd fld 2 put "" into cd fld 3 ask scrivi_parola_da_cercare put it into parola put 1 into b REPEAT with a=1 to 50 get line a of cd fld 1 put it into testo if testo=parola then set textcolor of cd fld 1 to 30 put testo into line a of cd fld 1 --if testo=parola then add 1 to trovato --if testo=parola then put parola into line b of cd fld 3 --if testo=parola then put " vero" & a into line b of cd fld 2 add 1 to b add 1 to trovato set textcolor of cd fld 2 to 22 set textcolor of cd fld 3 to 25 put testo into line b of cd fld 3 put "linea=" & a into line b of cd fld 2
end if if testo="FINE" then exit repeat set textcolor of cd fld 1 to 14 end repeat put "ritrovamenti testo = " & trovato end mousedown