BORSA: EUROPA SALE CON MATERIE PRIME E ASSICURATIVI - WallStreet Italia - Rialzi dunque per Mittal Steel (+2,03%), Xstrata (+1,7%) e Bhp Billiton(+1,4%) sulla piazza di Londra, mentre in campo assicurativo si segnalano Brit Insurance (+1,75%), Zurich (+0,98%) ed Axa (+0 . Software per assicurazioni: CGZ compra BSI - Computerworld Italia - CGZ, società di Verona che opera nel software e dei servizi per le compagnie di assicurazioni attraverso la controllata DWI, ha acquisito BSI (Business Solutions for Insurance), società . BORSA: EUROPA, POSITIVA CON TECNOLOGICI E ASSICURATIVI - WallStreet Italia - Tra gli assicurativi spiccano British Insurance (+0,75&) Allianz (+0,69%) e l'italiana Unipol (+0,74%). Viaggiano in territorio negativo i titoli delle compagnie petrolifere Total (-0,56%), Eni . se domani l'indice apre a -7%, cosa succederà al vostro portafoglio? - FinanzaOnline - prudenza con l’immissione di un inutile stoploss, mentre una protezione davvero efficace deve essere strutturalmente incorporata nella posizione, o comunque deve prevedere una “disaster insurance . Coca Cola, socialmente irresponsabile - Bellaciao - Negli stessi giorni Coca Cola company veniva esclusa dal selezionatissimo elenco clienti del Tiaa-Cref (Teacher insurance and annuity association - College retirement equities found) compagnia . tempi duri per la coca cola - Indymedia Italia - Negli stessi giorni Coca Cola company veniva esclusa dal selezionatissimo elenco clienti del Tiaa-Cref (Teacher insurance and annuity association - College retirement equities found) compagnia . Non partire senza la tua metà. - miaeconomia - L’Isvap, l’istituto di vigilanza sulle assicurazioni private, mette infatti in guardia tutti gli automobilisti dallo stipulare polizze Rc Auto con la società “Marketrends Insurance” poiché . Commento di analisi tecnica generato automaticamente a fine giornata - FinanzaOnline - La correlazione con l'indice MIBTEL é poco significativa (68%) La correlazione con l'indice settoriale Insurance é trascurabile (53%) Analisi grafica di medio periodo. BATTERE S&P 500 - WallStreet Italia - Immagino poi che Graham avrebbe dato un giudizio buy su Forniture Brands International Inc., LandAmerica Financial Group Inc. e National Western Life Insurance Co.. Italy steps up anti-terror security - - The bourse fell 1.06% in morning trading . Shares in national flag carrier Alitalia tumbled almost 3% while insurance firms fell around 1%.
Sorting Out Insurance Ethics, Post-Katrina (NPR) - In Louisiana, some people who have homeowner's insurance are actually receiving LESS money to rebuild after Katrina than those who had NO insurance. University of Chicago economics professor Austan Goolsbee talks with Scott Simon about the ethics of insurance.. Liability insurance falls as lawsuits decline (Reuters via Yahoo! News) - The cost of insuring companies against lawsuits from products such as faulty tires and asbestos has dropped as much as 10 percent this year, the largest decline in more than a decade, insurance specialists say.. Smokers Can Afford Life Insurance (Benton Evening News) - (ARA) - If you've been putting off shopping for life insurance because you're a smoker, or think you are paying exorbitant premiums because of your habit, it's time to start shopping around.. Why You Can't Depend on Group Life Insurance (Benton Evening News) - (ARA) - If you have a full time job, you may also be fortunate enough to have a free term life insurance policy through your employer. For most people, it's the equivalent of a year's salary. If you're lucky, it might even be as high as three times your annual salary.. Five Great Reasons to Shop Around For Auto Insurance (Benton Evening News) - (ARA) - Shopping around is the number one way of saving money on insurance. Are you sure you're getting the best deal possible with your current insurance company?. FHS Graduate Earns Top Spot In Insurance Firm (Scott County Times) - FOREST--Forest Insurance Agency recently named Jason McKnight as manager. McKnight, currently a loan officer for Bank of Forest, had previously served as an investment advisor and insurance agent for the company.. Insurance Group Closes In On IFAs (Ananova) - French insurance group AXA has confirmed it is close to taking over Thinc Destini, a group of 750 independent financial advisers (IFAs).. State's low-income health insurance called too costly (Cape Cod Times) - By DAVID KIBBE TIMES BOSTON BUREAU BOSTON - The state board charged with determining what is ''affordable'' health insurance adopted a compromise yesterday that is already drawing fire from health care advocates.. Health insurance at work declines (Honolulu Advertiser) - Job-based health insurance — the main way Americans get coverage — fell for the fifth consecutive year in 2005, helping push the overall percentage of Americans without health insurance up to 15.9 percent of the population.. Insurance hikes will continue, experts warn (Bradenton Herald) - The top four homeowners insurance carriers in the state have increased rates on average more than 50 percent during the past three years..

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