Portugal - Transportation
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Transportation (from Portugal) -- Encyclopædia Britannica
European Union was considerable by the early 21st century despite extensive economic reform. The capital of Portugal is Lisbon. transportation
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Mining, Energy, and Transportation (from Portugal) --
European Union was considerable by the early 21st century despite extensive economic reform. The capital of Portugal is Lisbon. transportation
Portugal -- Facts, Info, and Encyclopedia article
Portugal [Aategories: Europe, European Union member states, Portugal] The Republic of Portugal In 1986, Portugal entered the EEA, today's European Union. In 1999, the Asian dependency of (A
Portugal, Transportation
Madeira Portugal www.guia-portugal.com/pictures.htm Potugal, jonbacelary sitios transportation car of joining the European Union European
most of its products within the union: Germany, Spain, and France are the main partners. Transportation and communications Main articles: Transportation in Portugal and Aommunications in Portugal