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Applied PowerSMO! I
To start with we need a reference to an instance of SQL Server. Create() >> } >> PS C:\demos> $testdb.users | %{$_.name} dbo guest Parent) { $user = SMO_User $database $login.name $user.login = $login.name $user.Create() } }
some SQL Server scripts regarding security
--Determine if password is null and user iis SQL Login PRINT 'The following logins have blank passwords' SELECT name AS 'Login Name' FROM master.dbo.syslogins WHERE password IS NULL AND isntname = 0 --Determine if password and name are
Implementing Login Statistics Using SQL Server 2005 Trace Feature
SQL Server 2005 can keep track of login history using login audit events. event type (success or fail) and login name, which happened before @latestRecTime. Note that we use dbo.fn_lgnstats_MAX() scalar function to handle NULL
SQL Server 2005: Demo for enabling database impersonation for
execute the following as bob, this database's dbo -- execute as login = 'bob' note that alice cannot impersonate charles at server level you can either change the name of the file or drop the old file
SYSK 200: How To Detect and Remove No Longer Valid Windows Logins
I’ve seen some companies create group names for a certain application, In this case, you may have logins on the SQL Server that have been orphaned. Database objects should be owned by either DBO or by a schema.
Quick guide to DB users without logins in SQL Server 2005
SQL Server 2005 introduced a new SQL DB principal subtype that can be to generate a login, therefore a DBO can generate such principals at will, Forcing this DBO to "guess" the name of. -- a login in order to create a user
Another behavior that follows schemas, query plan reuse
When I discuss separation of users and schemas in SQL Server 2005, I usually think of ownership chains CREATE USER bob FOR LOGIN bob CREATE USER mary for LOGIN mary DBO. Hmmm User_id is a misleading name for this column.
Table that doesnt exist
If another login uses the plain table name without the owner prefix, and there is a dbo-owned table of the same name in the same database, then the query will execute against the dbo-owned table
SQL Linked Server Query failed with “Login failed for user …”
Linked server login can also use SQL login, but it is not discussed here. linked server object and name it “LinkedServer” which points to the SQL instance on machine B, SQLB. “select * from LinkedServer.master.dbo.sysdatabases”.
How to Install Subtext 1.9 at WebHost4Life
For "DB User ID" select the SQL Server Login name you want to use. If you forget your Subtext password, login info will be sent to this After the installation, you can change the database user to less privileged (than dbo) user.

SQL Server Logins and Users
A login is required for access to the SQL Server server. The process of verifying that a particular SELECT sid FROM dbo.sysxlogins WHERE name = 'test'
How to troubleshoot orphan users in SQL Server databases
You will also find an FAQ section on SQL Server replication. will change/update the owner of a database and associate the owning login to the dbo user).
Configurazione del database
Configurazione della connessione a un database di Microsoft SQL Server di collegamento nelle caselle di modifica Login name (Nome di login) e Password.
Utilizzare SQL Server 7
Solo gli utenti che dispongono di un alias come dbo o appartenenti al Tutte le login di SQL Server vengono gestite utilizzando il comando Logins
Sql Server 2005
Indirizzare le problematiche aperte con SQL Server 2000 AS EXTERNAL NAME TestUDF.[MyNamespace.TestUdf].Cube. SELECT dbo.Cube()

Configurazione del database
Configurazione della connessione a un database di Microsoft SQL Server di collegamento nelle caselle di modifica Login name (Nome di login) e Password.
Utilizzare SQL Server 7
Solo gli utenti che dispongono di un alias come dbo o appartenenti al Tutte le login di SQL Server vengono gestite utilizzando il comando Logins
Sql Server 2005
Indirizzare le problematiche aperte con SQL Server 2000 AS EXTERNAL NAME TestUDF.[MyNamespace.TestUdf].Cube. SELECT dbo.Cube()
EXECUTE (Transact-SQL)
SQL Server 2005 estende la funzionalità dell'istruzione EXECUTE in modo da poterla È possibile utilizzare la clausola AS { LOGIN | USER } = ' name ' per
Modifiche che possono causare problemi di funzionamento apportate
ALTER LOGIN <login name> WITH PASSWORD = '<new password>' MUST_CHANGE Nelle versioni precedenti di SQL Server dbo è il proprietario degli oggetti di
Database mirroring con SQL Server 2005 | Security & Admin
Con le istruzioni seguenti fermiamo il servizio SQL Server sull'istanza che svolge CREATE USER Luca FOR LOGIN Luca; GRANT SELECT ON dbo.MyTable TO Luca;
Auditing Your SQL Server Environment: Part I
Learn how to audit your SQL Server environment. SELECT name AS 'Login Name' FROM master.dbo.syslogins WHERE password IS NULL AND isntname = 0
Hosting Solutions - database hosting
La versione dei database SQL Server dovrà essere richiesta prima dell'attivazione. Ciascun database ha un login, il quale è dbo-aliased.
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