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I am looking for a cheap dedicated hosting server and realized that I would be kidding myself to think that the cost associated with having one of these things would only be the monthly charge. However if you take a look inside the
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Forum: Dedicated Hosting Posted By: server-needs Post Time: 11-12-2006 at 06:23 AM
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Running your web site from a dedicated web hosting server is a great idea if your web site requires custom software, lots of storage space, large bandwidth and a high degree of security. Some great advantages of dedicated web hosting
What Types of Hosting are there? - Part 2
This is the next level of hosting, and most bloggers never get here. However I think it’s worth mentioning because it offers some great advantages. A dedicated server means your the sole account on the whole computer.
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The price of any dedicated hosting service includes the cost of the machine and saves money to the customer. A good entry level server costs from $900 for a machine assembled from a small server vendor, to a few thousands of dollars for
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A shared web hosting server costs a lot less than a dedicated server. A dedicated server for your web hosting allows you to have a server solely Although most dedicated server hosting providers will provide technical support,
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