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Angelic http://www.angelic.it
Angel's In Filth http://utenti.tripod.it/angelsinfilth
ByGothic http://www.elp.it/bygothic
Da Lynx Web Zine http://dalynx.cjb.net
Dawn Of Sadness http://www.dawnofsadness.com
Erba Della Strega http://www.erbadellastrega.it
Gothicland http://www.gothicland.com
Realm Gothica http://www.realmgothica.com
Rosa Selvaggia http://www.rosaselvaggia.com
Russian Gothic http://www.gothic.ru
SickOzell http://www.sickozell.org
Ske-Net http://www.ske-net..com
Sound Mirror http://www.soundmirror.it
Streganera http://www.streganera.net
The-Cure ircnet http://www.the-cure.it
The Dark Side http://digilander.libero.it/darksidexxx
The Sanctuary http://www.sanctuary.ch
Twilight-Zone http://www.twilight-zone.it
Ulalume http://ulalume.interfree.it/
Ver Sacrum http://www.versacrum.com
B A N D S . L O C A L I  . E V E N T I 
Diniego http://www.diniego.com
Energy Zone http://www.energyzone.it
Eurorock http://www.eurorock.be
Gaia's Vestige http://www.gaiasvestige.cjb.net
La Mamoynia http://www.lamamoynia.cjb.net
M'Era Luna http://www.meraluna.de
Wave-Gothic Treffen http://www.wave-gothic-treffen.de
 P E R S O N A L I
Creepy-Eyes http://www.nivis-regnum.com
Cristiana Formetta http://www.cristianaformetta.too.it
Danny Glick http://www.thereef.it
Eugy http://eugy.cjb.net
Evil Soul http://www.outcaster.supereva.it
Stefano Pampaloni http://www.zaki.it
The Velvet Alcove http://www.vellutonero.it
Witch Story http://digilander.libero.it/witchstory
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