, Sat, 14 Jul 2007 18:37:59 GMT --> SPAM NET:
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SertelNet Spam Terminator, l'antispam italiano freeware
Spam Terminator è il primo e più diffuso programma freeware antispam italiano, attivo nella lotta contro lo spam dal 2000. Gratuito per uso personale,
Piccola guida antispam
Se siete colpiti dallo spam, l'unica cosa che potete fare è cambiare Le pagine antispam di Leonardo Collinelli (http://www.collinelli.net/antispam)
Fight Spam on the Internet!
Help Stamp Out Spam! Anti-junk mailfilters, IP blocking, blacklists, other boycott tools to keep the net useful for everyone.
Comincialitalia.net - Articolo: Non sempre spam,libertà di marketing
Molto meglio il CAN-SPAM ACT Americano che ha Regole meno severe ( Si può chiedere Comincialitalia.net è un giornale on line diretto da Donatella Papi
Manuali Gratis - spam / Manuali.net
Manuali.net - Manuali Gratis - spam. Manuali.net è ora partner di Tradedoubler: iscrivi il tuo sito al programma.
Net-Style in prima linea contro lo spam
net style lotta contro lo spam spamcop spamassassin qmailscanner.
RISORSE.NET - Spam <- News
In questa sezione, le novità dell&#39;ultima ora sul mondo del Web publishing, selezionate e pubblicate direttamente dalla redazione di Risorse.net.
NicolaD'Agostino.net : articoli : Hacker Journal : "Spam via e
NicolaD&#39;Agostino.net Sfuggire all&#39;attacco dello spam? Difficile ma non impossibile. Basta qualche accorgimento per ridurre la probabilit&amp;agrev;
WebMasterPoint.org - ASP.net: Bloccare lo spam nei moduli e form
WebMaster Point. Sezione asp (active server page). Centinaia di script da scaricare, manuali teoria e pratica, recensioni dei migliori script.
Spam - Forum supporto clienti HostingPlan.net
Normalmente spamcop.net è il db più utilizzato per le denunce di IP italiani pertanto se notate che le mail che ricevete con EMAIL-DI-SPAM sono troppe e
SPAM: Conferences, the secret cause of spam
Reason I came to VON, a conference that means both "Video on the Net" and "Voice on the net": Free press pass, free coffee and it's brighter than my home officeNumber of times, when writing Valleywag [[ This is a content summary only
blog-comment spam
An amusing sequence of blog-comment spam, all clearly from the same origin by the timing - obviously they came with URLs, but by repeating the words without the URLs I won't feed their purpose and might even push them down a google-rank
Beta-testing of new applications from “Doctor Web” began
Web for Exchange Server 2000/2003 (antivirus and anti-spam) and DR.Web for Lotus Domino (for Windows). Dr.Web for Exchange Server 2000/2003 is developed to scan incoming and outgoing traffic. To its features belong the blockage of
How Botnets Spread
Spam filters have a hard time identifying such messages as spam. Malware distribution sites like these can be set up in seconds on free hosting services around the world—making it difficult for every bad URL to be captured by services
Testing a New Spam Guard
Lately, Spam Karma 2 has been letting a few too many spambacks through, so we’re trying out a new one, Akismet, to see if it does any better. As a result, you might get caught in the moderation queue until it “gets to know you”.
China YouTV Corp
Hello, Recently I have been getting spam messages. Now before you go
How Flickr Just Screwed Up And How To Cope With It
and somehow you can tell that their Woohoo! is this case somehow forced; I get access to My Flickr once more - not Their Flickr, not Yahoo's Flickr - and the motions have been gone through to the net benefit of nobody at all.
Returned mail: see cript for details
(reason: 571 Email from your Service Provider is currently blocked by Verizon Online's anti-spam system. The … Email Service Provider may visit http://www.verizon.net/whitelist and request removal of the block.)
Hieroglyphics and mixed up words in spam
What is all this ridius stuff that makes no sense that comes in spam? Is it some kind of secret code that only the exceptional few know and understand? Perhaps there’s some global thing happening where groups of people around the
MySpace: Opportunity or Antichrist?
If you spam people by using bots to contact people, respond to messages, and leave comments, you might get some value -- after all, the theory of spam is that the cost is zero, so any benefits you derive automatically represent a net spam+net: spam+net

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, Sat, 14 Jul 2007 18:37:59 GMT -->