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Sito ufficiale della Provincia di Ravenna
Pagine ufficiali dell'Amministrazione Provinciale di Ravenna.
Ravenna Festival
Annuale evento dedicato alla musica classica e lirica: programma dei concerti, biglietteria, località in cui si svolge.
Azienda USL di Ravenna
Guida ai servizi sanitari offerti nei tre distretti di Ravenna, Lugo e Faenza.
Camera di Commercio di Ravenna
La Camera di Commercio, Industria, Artigianato e Agricoltura offre una guida a servizi ed attività, recapiti, notiziario.
Comune di Ravenna - Webcam
Sito ufficiale del Comune di Ravenna - Il sito istituzionale del Comune di Ravenna si prefigge di offrire aiuto a cittadini, turisti,
Autorità Portuale di Ravenna
Statistiche, servizi portuali, atti pubblici ed informazioni ufficiali sul porto della città. (Richiede Microsoft Virtual Machine).
Il Sito Ufficiale della Questura di Ravenna
News e comunicati stampa, organigramma, orari, ubicazione ed informazioni utili su Polizia stradale, ferroviaria e postale oltre ai servizi di
IL METEO - Previsioni del tempo per Ravenna
Meteo e previsioni del tempo per Ravenna, temperature, precipitazioni, venti.
Facoltà di Conservazione dei Beni Culturali - Università di Bologna
Logo del polo di Ravenna - link alla home page del polo di Ravenna. Beni Culturali - Università di Bologna. Download · Mappa · Supporto · La mia e-mail
Sapir Porto Intermodale Ravenna
Sito Realizzato da Vista Tecnologie. www.vista.it +39.0544.500905. chiudi.
Fixtures 18 March / Ravenna v Giulianova - 1:30 PM Match Odds settled
Winner(s): Ravenna
“America” at risk in Ravenna
Angela Calo, whose seventh-grader attends Brown Middle School in Ravenna, doesn’t want her child to read “America,” a book by ER Frank because of the “ual content and profanity” she says the novel about a 15-year-old boy contains.
Ravenna journal: Day trip to Ravenna
Ravenna is famous for its churches that are filled with mosaics. Most works of art around Florence that I am used to seeing are frescoes, so it was a nice change to see someting as beautiful as these. My favorite was the Basilica di .
Comment on First Look Update. New version available: 58537 by
I’m on an Intel iMac 20″ with 256/2g, and FL viewer has been pretty bad in terms of framerate, but this version is just unusably bad. Textures load almost instantaneously, which is really nice (the alpha sorting is particularly bad,
Holiday in Ravenna, Italy
Ravenna would still be an out-of-the way backwater were it not for the relatively unknown Roman emperor, Flavius Honorius. Fearing a barbarian invasion, Flavius moved his court to Ravenna in 402 so its marshy environs could protect the
Fmr. Ravenna Police Officer Charged with Assault
Investigations by the Nebraska State Patrol and Bruning's office led officials to determine 50-year-old Larry Williams was ually involved with a young teenage girl between 2001 and 2003, starting when the girl was 14
Stories at Ravenna Third Place Books
Do you spin a good yarn? Like to listen to one? At this monthly event featured tellers tell stories appropriate for listeners of all ages
Neonian Baptistry Mosaics - Neon Baptistry - Orthodox Baptistry
The Baptistry of Neon in Ravenna, Italy is the most ancient monument remaining in Ravenna, and was partly erected on the site of a Roman bath. It is also called the Orthodox Baptistry to distinguish it from the Arian Baptistry
Aside from being one of Italy's small charmers, Ravenna is apparently the "home of the most celebrated mosaics in Western art." I'm quoting directly from 1000 Places to See Before you Die; A Traveler's Life List.
Ravenna: Italy's mosaic treasure trove
Joan Scobey of the Post-Gazette travels to Ravenna, Italy, the ancient capital of three empires, and describes its historic pleasures for her readersravenna: finanziamento ravenna ? prestito ravenna ? finanziamento ravenna ? prestito ravenna ? ravenna

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, Sat, 14 Jul 2007 18:45:24 GMT -->