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CIA Seal  World Factbook Seal Juan de Nova Island
Flag of Juan de Nova Island
Map of Juan de Nova Island
Introduction Juan de Nova Island
Named after a famous 15th century Spanish navigator and explorer, the island has been a French possession since 1897. It has been exploited for its guano and phosphate. Presently a small military garrison oversees a meteorological station.
Geography Juan de Nova Island
Southern Africa, island in the Mozambique Channel, about one-third of the way between Madagascar and Mozambique
Geographic coordinates:
17 03 S, 42 45 E
Map references:
total: 4.4 sq km
land: 4.4 sq km
water: 0 sq km
Area - comparative:
about seven times the size of The Mall in Washington, DC
Land boundaries:
0 km
24.1 km
Maritime claims:
territorial sea: 12 nm
exclusive economic zone: 200 nm
continental shelf: 200-m depth or to the depth of exploitation
low and flat
Elevation extremes:
lowest point: Indian Ocean 0 m
highest point: unnamed location 10 m
Natural resources:
guano deposits and other fertilizers
Land use:
arable land: 0%
permanent crops: 0%
other: 100% (90% forest) (2001)
Irrigated land:
0 sq km (1998 est.)
Natural hazards:
periodic cyclones
Environment - current issues:
Geography - note:
wildlife sanctuary
People Juan de Nova Island
no indigenous inhabitants
note: there is a small French military garrison along with a few meteorologists; occasionally visited by scientists (July 2005 est.)
Government Juan de Nova Island
Country name:
conventional long form: none
conventional short form: Juan de Nova Island
local long form: none
local short form: Ile Juan de Nova
Dependency status:
possession of France; administered by a high commissioner of the Republic, resident in Reunion
Legal system:
the laws of France, where applicable, apply
Diplomatic representation in the US:
none (possession of France)
Diplomatic representation from the US:
none (possession of France)
Flag description:
the flag of France is used
Economy Juan de Nova Island
Economy - overview:
Up to 12,000 tons of guano are mined per year.
Communications Juan de Nova Island
Communications - note:
1 meteorological station
Transportation Juan de Nova Island
Ports and harbors:
none; offshore anchorage only
1 (2004 est.)
Airports - with unpaved runways:
total: 1
914 to 1,523 m: 1 (2004 est.)
Military Juan de Nova Island
Military - note:
defense is the responsibility of France
Transnational Issues Juan de Nova Island
Disputes - international:
claimed by Madagascar

This page was last updated on 20 September, 2005