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Deluxe Video Version on iTunes
low, insane price of $11.99! You get all the songs, the behind-the-scenes featurette on the making of the album, the six animated videos that are on the DualDisc, AND unlike the hardcopy version, you also get the video for “White
TiVo Ready to Get Hitched
display and AdSense, then they can provide TiVo boxes at low cost. Together they could make it easy to "tag" video content and subscribe to feeds Apple could get inside a greater number of homes by linking iTunes with TiVo.
McDonald's 'R Gym' Concept Just Another PR Stunt To Avoid Obesity
Click here to take a video tour of the "R Gym" in Santa Ana, CA. If McDonald's wants to get people like Julia Havey to stop wanting them to be sued, How about offering some low-carb and/or sugar-free options as well to reach a
TVgasm Consumer Frustration: DirecTV, Nintendo Take Note!
As for that great video I mentioned, well, here it is. It's a girl playing the Wii and going absolutely nuts. It's kind of like a low-key version of how I imagine I'll be when I eventually get to play it. Found via Best Week Ever.
Name That Chiptune: The Growing Niche of 8-bit Music
I took a few snapshots of the venue—in the spirit of low-bit art, I tried to get some interesting images with my crappy cell phone camera. (Bit Shifter rocks out rave-style.) Another co-organizer of the festival is Nullsleep (aka
Review: The Nintendo Wii and a couple games
Do really well and you can get as low as 20, do bad and, well, ball to roll in whatever direction and you tilt your way through to get the monkey ball to I’d definitely recommend a Wii to anyone looking for a video game system.
Nicoderm CQ: Days 4 & 5
I won't get into too much detail but had I been able to post yesterday, yesterday's post Briefly, the dream started out as if I were a player in a video game, where I was "born," trying to lay low because the newer cyborgs (yes,
links for 2006-12-09
describe a concept and get back a list of words and phrases related to that combines video sharing, social networking YouTube, MySpace, with reality TV, but benefits from being completely invisible best for low-traffic sites
Finally, a way to get low-res video for our high-def TV
If press releases were fallen trees, TiVo could almost build a life raft out of them. The struggling PVR pioneer issued five of them this morning, all touting an expanded broadband strategy designed to keep it relevant in the face
Barnicle's Low Blow: Does 'Top Level' Consider 19 Killed Since ISG
But when it comes to political cheap shots, does it get much lower than this comment by Barnicle himself? View video here.To his credit, John Harwood of the WSJ and CNBC didn't buy into Barnicle's cynical take: "No, no.
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