Laptops & Notebooks: Alienware Aurora m9700 PC Magazine The cyborg-green Alienware Aurora m9700 gaming laptop is a must-have for its SLI nVidia graphics. It tops the Dell XPS M1710 (Core 2 Duo) in game play, but its single-core processor may hamper its overall performance. 1.3 million Sanyo cell-phone batteries recalled, could generate excessive heat San Diego Union-Tribune Video gaming computers Associated Press Video gaming computers used in the tech test in Farmers Branch, Texas are the Mach V from Falcon Northwest, left, and Alienware Inc.'s Area-51 7500 are among the fastest, most capable machines money can buy for video gaming needs. The Falcon sells for $9,621.83 that includes a 30-inch display, wireless mouse and keyboard and the Area-51 7500 goes for $5,834. Gadget Gifts For Work And Play Forbes Make your holidays bright by putting these high-tech toys on your wish list. Hewlett-Packard: The Unlikely Game Player RedNova It's been less than a month since Nintendo (NTDOY) and Sony (SNE) rolled out their latest generation of video-game consoles, and already tech execs are talking about what's next. But these days, it's not just coming from the usual suspects. Hewlett-Packard: The Unlikely Game Player BusinessWeek Online via Yahoo! UK & Ireland Finance The tech giant is experimenting with next-gen video-gaming possibilities following the acquisition of Voodoo PC Dell XPS M1710 GeForce Go 7950 GTX CNET Dell's latest update to the XPS M1710 doesn't make it any cheaper but allows it to maintain its position as the leader of the mobile gaming pack. How Vista will take over your living room CNN Money When the smartest businesspeople on the planet - the Google guys, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates - all say the future of their companies is in video, who are we to argue? Google is buying YouTube. Apple is set to launch the iTV, which will wirelessly connect your TV to your Mac. Atari's Plan To Get Families Playing Spong There really is nothing new under the sun Swabbing the Poop for Lindens Wired News Virtual drudgery comes to Second Life. In Game|Life. Richmond Times-Dispatch, Va., Tech Notes Column RedNova By Jeffrey Kelley, Richmond Times-Dispatch, Va. Nov. 26--VELOCITY MICRO GETS BOOST WHEN CARRIED BY BEST BUY: Velocity Micro is growing at a macro velocity. The Chesterfield County-based high-end computer maker can give thanks to Best Buy Co.
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